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She's alive, George smiled as he pulled the trigger, the Cyclopes' eye exploding into a shower of gore. He easily sidestepped the brute's massive body as it fell to the sterile white ceramic tile, before it began to disintegrate. Feeling a bit reckless, he shot another round into the base of the creature's neck before it completely vanished.

"You could've just hit it with a pulse," Dagonet sighed over the intercom. "There was really no need for that macho display George."

He grabbed the lanyard from around his neck and flashed the RFID chipped ID to the clean rooms only exit, before being prompted for a retinal scan. "I'm just having a bit of fun partner," he said as he opened his right eye as much as possible for the camera. There was a flash of white from the camera and his new heart skipped a beat as short pulse was released. It didn't exactly hurt, but it wasn't exactly a tickle either. A moment later the door slid open into decontamination. "Any chance you can override this for me?"

He took the woman's silence as a no.

The decontamination procedure that Brian and his team had come up with was certainly interesting and could even pass for a decent show for any onlookers. Two massive electromagnets emerged from the floor that made the hairs on his body stand on end, as some kind of gas was pumped into the small chamber that smelled and tasted like mint mouthwash. The magnets hummed with power and if he had been carrying his wallet all of his credit cards would have been rendered useless. As the magnets pulsed the mouthwash cloud that engulfed him turned from white to blue, the result of some kind of super complex science thing the redhead had tried to explain to him, but was way over his head. After another moment the gas was pumped out, the electromagnets sank back into the floor, and a green light turned on above the door signaling he could leave.

"How are ya feeling boss?" Dagonet asked as he stepped out. Since their assault on the first Amazon distribution center, the woman had grown into a remarkably competent soldier. She had successfully led several missions on her own that included target retrieval, target elimination, and the ever critical donut and coffee runs. After all, soldier marches on their stomach. Through that he could gladly call her his number two and his confidant. "Is your heart okay?"

George appreciated her concern, but it was getting a bit tiresome. Yes, he had almost died when DG:NH stabbed him repeatedly in the chest for having a little fun with DG:PP, even managing to knick his heart. But, with the knowledge that his daughter was alive and T:C's heart in his chest, he had never felt better. Hell, I never looked better either, he thought as he caught a glimpse of himself in one of the many stainless steel cabinets. The heart had somehow made him look thirty years younger and had given him an astounding boost to his strength, agility, and endurance to the point that he could run for an hour without even sweating. "I'm still stand'n, ain't I?"

"I just don't like you exposing yourself to the signal any more than you have to, sir." She said, falling in behind him as they exited one of the many labs into the facility proper.

"Duly noted and appreciated," he said as he leaned against white handrails. "This place never fails to impress me," he noted looking around at the flurry of activity before him.

Containment Facility One, or Camelot as the old man called it, was one of many Avalon owned facilities that covered the world, with locations such as Rome, New Delhi, Cairo, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Istanbul. Camelot though was stationed under New York's meat packing district in what had been the remains of some giant creature's lair. The funny thing was, according to Brian it had looked like the creature had access to some kind of high wattage laser beam if the burns on the walls had been any indication. But now though any trace of cave or sewer that remained could only be found in the memories of the contractors who expanded and deepened the place and covered it all in sterile labs, metal catwalks, hermetically sealed containment units. At last count, the facility housed over four-hundred DGs, seventy Gs, five Ts, and several dozen monsters of various shapes and sizes.

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