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After the emergency tweet, the Thunderers and demigods packed up at lightning quick speeds, while giving Piper a brief explanation of what was happening.

According to the Thunderers, the US and Canadian governments had agreed to install an oil pipeline that would stretch from Alberta down to Illinois and Texas, where the crude oil would be refined. The corporation that was behind it, Jove International, had a terrible track record with pipelines bursting and destroying far more land than needed during construction, irreparably altering the landscape. Thankfully, despite promises of lucrative job opportunities, the public was mostly against the construction for one reason of another. The low public opinion combined with the Nation's lawyers suing the corporation for whatever reason they could think of, forced the previous administration to intervene and halt the project indefinitely.

However, in an unsurprising turn of events, the administration had ordered the pipeline to be completed and used eminent domain to seize the remaining land. To ensure that construction proceeded without a hitch, the National Guard was sent out to protect the workers.

"And I get that is bad and all, but why is the Nation making everyone run there as fast as possible?" Reyna asked, as the Latina pulled back on the highway and back into the nearly endless convoy of rusted out pickup trucks, RVs, and jalopies. "I'm as environmentally conscious as the next person, but I think going to war over a pipeline is a bit excessive."

Piper yawned and put her feet up on Betty White's dash. No one had slept since leaving Yellowstone and even with fresh coffee the urge to fall asleep was strong. "Reyna, I literally watched you throw a McDonalds cup out the window three hours ago." Reyna turned and stuck out her tongue. "But, from what Sparky told me, it's more important than some cornfields getting torn up."

"How so?" Veronica asked, their blonde head poking up between the seats, a huge grin on their face. Ever since she and Reyna had agreed to help the duo steal the Golden Fleece to save the daughter of Mercury, Piper had never seen them happier. Veronica had sat in the front seat for once and talked with Reyna through the night to keep the praetor awake, something Piper felt was impossible before. And even Atlas could be heard whistling an ancient tune in the back every few hours or so. It seemed to her that Veronica and Atlas had officially become loyal friends for life.

"When the spirits of the Nation made their presence known to the first Gayegogi, a new bond was formed between the two worlds. And from what I understand, that bond was tethered to a specific location, the Gayegogi's campsite, turning it into what Chad called a-"

"-An axis mundi," Atlas finished. "Every pantheon has at least one. The Norse have Yggdrasil, the Hindus have Mount Meru and Mount Kailash, and I've lost count of how many the Olympians have created over the years. They... anchor the mortal and divine together. To lose even one can greatly diminish, if not destroy a pantheon."

"Which is why the Nation's on the warpath," Reyna nodded. The Latina then peered over to Piper with a frown. "This is their only axis, isn't it?"

"Technically no," Piper cringed. "Many of their old one still exist, but the campsite became like their main one."

"And if they lose it, we lose any chance of the Nation helping us retake New Rome," Reyna said through clenched teeth. The praetor put her foot down on the gas and merged into the other lane, quickly passing two trucks filled with demigods and one BMW bug filled with deer women. "And I'm not going to let that happen. I'm-" Reyna was cut off by the hybrid punching her in the shoulder, hard enough to make her yelp. "What was that for?!"

The duo's golden orbs dimmed then brightened, their equivalent to blinking. "Veronica says slug-bug?"


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