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The trip from Camp Half-Blood to Kingsport, Massachusetts, where Disciplina dwelled was uneventful.

He had woke up early Tuesday morning, picked up his mess in Nico's cabin, stole a couple comics from Nico's stash, double-checked his equipment, and jumped into the van Argus had waiting. The ride to Grand Central Station was silent and awkward.

Truth be told, Jason had always been a little freaked out by Argus. Which set of eyes was he supposed to look at? Was he supposed to shake his hand, or would that irritate the eyes on the palm of the servant of Hera? How did shoes work for him?

To prevent himself from completely freaking out, Jason pulled a pen and a pad of paper from his backpack, and began to write letters to Piper. The letters were something they had started soon after Jason began traveling. Many of the minor gods disliked the idea of Jason IMing in their territory, thinking that he may relaying information to other rival gods, but apparently every one was fine with him writing letters as long he didn't use Hermes express. So every couple months, Jason would go to the nearest post office and purchase a book of stamps.

Apparently the motto for the United States Postal Service assured delivery even with paranoid schizophrenic mythological deities. Who knew?

Most times he would write about his current objective, how their friends were doing, or just random thoughts that popped into the son of Jupiter's mind. Other times, he would try to be romantic, but those often ended up sounding like something an eighteenth century explorer would write; never start a letter with "My dearest Piper". Piper had responded in kind by calling him a total nerd.

Jason had just finished sticking the Captain America stamp on the envelope when the van came to a stop. He gathered his things, gave Argus a quick bow of thanks (hand shaking issue avoided), and jumped out of the van.

He made his way into the station, careful to avoid the various creatures that called the station home. He maneuvered his way through the crowds and stood in the queue for the manned ticket kiosk.

Sure the automated ticket kiosks were infinitely quicker, but for a demigod they were also infinitely more dangerous. The one and only time he had used one, he had been sure to check his surroundings before he even got near the touch display. His finger had just made contact with plastic when no less than five dracaenae bum rushed him from behind. Jason had been able to take them out with a little lightning, but in the process he completely fried the ticket kiosk. Even with the Mist, that one had been hard to explain to the surrounding mortals.

When it was finally his turn to purchase his ticket, He found that the man sitting behind the window looked like the Italian-American version of Mr. D. The doppelganger was just as portly as the Greek god, even had the same blood-shot eyes, he was wearing a blue Hawaiian shirt, a gold chain hung from around his neck, and his greasy black hair was slicked back. Jason quickly purchased his ticket from the strange man and got out there as quickly as possible; he had been really creeped out by psuedo-Mr. D.

When he felt he was far enough away, he found an empty bench and sat down. He placed his ticket into his wallet, a frayed brown leather thing Piper had gotten him as gift.

Wallet in hand, his thoughts turned to his girlfriend. He would say Piper was incredible, but that would be a massive understatement. She could go from this sweet, albeit mischievous, angel to warrior goddess faster than bolt of lightning, and still look amazing. She could appear to be at home in any surrounding; from the red carpet premieres with her father, to camping with Jason in a rest stop, Piper was never out of place.

Which made Jason feel out of place besides her. She was Piper Mclean, daughter of A-list actor Tristan Mclean, who was Hollywood royalty. Sure Mr. Mclean had been nothing but welcoming of Jason, and had even said he was thankful that Piper had found a nice, normal, boy her age, but how long would normal be good enough for Piper? And what would happen when he found out Jason was more or less a high school drop-out? That Jason was almost always traveling and would most certainly be for the rest of his time on Earth.

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