Mission Report II

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You were correct once again. When we first started searching for DGs in the school systems, we searched for students who met the following criteria:

1. DGs must have missed excessive amounts of school.

2. DGs were prone to unexplained accidents.

3. DGs must come from single parent families.

While these criteria are still useful, the results lead us to numerous false positives. With the new information we obtained from DG:VM, which was also independently verified by DG:CD, we were able to better zero in on DGs. We now have added the following criteria:

4. DGs suffer from Dyslexia and either ADHD or ADD.

5. DGs are generally anti-social.

6. DGs typically do not own any form of electrical devices beyond a simple calculator.

7. DGs typically switch schools on a yearly basis.

In New York alone these new criteria narrowed the results down to two-hundred possible matches. However DG:VM gave us one final piece of information that changed everything.

8. DGs are often monitored by so called "Guardians". Guardians tend to disguise themselves by appearing as students that require crutches or wheel chairs to be mobile. This applies only to East coast DGs.

When we searched with all eight criteria, two-hundred became fifty. We then read the results to DG:VM and DG:CD, looking for any sign that the names were familiar to them. They reacted to several names, but one name had a stronger reaction than others. Even T:A reacted to the name, Annabeth Chase, referred to here-after as DG:AA.

We learned from DG:VM that DG:AA was a leader of the Eastern species of DG. DG:AA was even seen as a hero even by the Western DG.

We contacted the private school DG:AA was attending, and informed them that one of our dummy corporations was donating a new network along with new computers and tablets for the entire student body.

I myself have to admit it was pretty ingenious of the engineers to combine the signal generator with the WI-FI cards. You managed to weaponize the populace without them knowing, that is amazing.

By Sunday evening the school became the world's largest trap. A trap with 95 GB/s download speed.

Two agents were stationed at the school, one acted as a technician, while the other replaced the school's nurse. The system was kept offline until the target could be verified.

DG:AA arrived at 07:45, its eyes blood shot. We learned from one of our agents that it had apparently had an argument with its boyfriend the night before.

I don't know what sickens me more; that it could procreate with one of its own kind or some poor victim.

At 08:00 the system was activated with an initial strength of one percent. The signal strength was incremented by one percent every fifty minutes to coincide with the ending of each period.

At approximately 13:00, one of the school's athletics instructors carried DG:AA into the nurse's office. DG:AA was bleeding from is orbitals, fevered, and incoherent. The agent followed her orders and shut the system down to observe the recovery rate.

The agent bluffed that DG:AA was experiencing a viral infection that was making its way through the surrounding schools. This put the athletics instructor at ease, and she quickly departed.

The agent then gave DG:AA a small loom and instructed it to make a simple bracelet. It managed to separate all the blue and green bands from the bag it was provided with.

From the information provided by DG:VM, DG:AA is an offspring of G:AM, which should allow it to access G:AM's knowledge and abilities. However, it was observed to be unable to even place a single band.

It is too early to tell for certain, but once subjected to the signal, they may be permanently cut off from their source. We can cripple any threat with simple transceiver.

The agent then began to increase the signal strength and recorded DG:AA's responses. The agent reported that at seven percent she collapsed and passed out at eight percent.

Additional agents arrived disguised as EMTs, who proceeded to take DG:AA to a secure facility.

To ensure no loose ends, the agent alerted the Guardian to DG:AA's alleged illness in private, while the remaining agent set the signal to maximum strength.

When a Guardian dies, they apparently become flora.

This was quickly incinerated, along with its clothing.

As I write this, DG:AA is being prepped for surgery. I wish you would allow us to extract information from it, but by tagging and releasing it, it will in time lead us back to the nest.

One last thing.

While the contacts may not be as good as the goggles, they make infiltration so much easier.


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