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Percy hadn't felt this low since smelly Gabe had been in his life. Though, some people would probably say he just had a "case of the Mondays".

First he had totally blown off wise-girl the night before. He hadn't meant to of course, he had just been in a state of shock.

It had taken him weeks to save up the money required to fund a trip to the zoo. Eighteen dollars per ticket, another twenty for food, fifty for souvenirs, plus travel expenses, and it still ended in a total disaster.  

Percy frowned. When did he start thinking so much about money? Home EC was seriously messing with his head. He hoped he wasn't growing into the kind of adult who complained about kids touching the thermostat or leaving the lights on.

He chuckled.

Annabeth would make sure he didn't become like that. He was positive.

His frown returned.

Annabeth. As much as he loved her, and yes he did love her, sometimes she jumped into battle mode a little too quickly. Could he blame her though? After the life they've had?

Fighting monsters since they were eleven, even younger for Annabeth. Given dangerous tasks by their absent-at-best-parents.

Percy please go to hell and find the sparkler of destiny.

Percy, would you please help me find one of my back up dancers? I'm not asking, I'm telling you.

Percy, we're going to hide while you go kill your great-grandmother.

Percy, Percy, Percy!

For all-powerful gods, they really depended on the young adult market.

Wait, did I just go full ADHD in his own mind? Maybe my mom is right, maybe I should get a new prescription; at least for the rest of the school year.

His brow furrowed.

School. Despite all his hard work (with Paul and Annabeth's help) his grades were dangerously low in all of his classes. The exception being Home EC, but as they say, the exception proves the rule. If he didn't get his grades up, he wouldn't be living with Annabeth next year.

Biology just made no sense. Besides, didn't Chiron and Mr. D. tell him the first day of camp that mortal science was all a bunch of nonsense anyway?

Algebra II could have been taught in German and he would still know the same amount. Naughta.

Paul had told him to take Current Events, explaining that it was a blow off class for most seniors. Keyword being most. It was hard to keep up with the world, when even touching a phone could summon a herd of flesh eating horses. That only happened once though, the second time it was a griffin. He was forced to use newspapers to complete his weekly assignments, but his dyslexia liked to make the articles blur together. Apparently the president did not win an award for the best cherry pie at the state fair.

World History was okay, just way too many written reports. Sure, he had to remind himself to not use the information he learned at camp. It would be awkward trying to explain that WWII was caused by in-fighting among the children of the gods. Sometimes he wondered how the Romans, Egyptians and Norse fit into all of that but, but it hurt to think about it too much.

College Prep should have been easy. Half of the semester they had been discussing Greek mythology. He lived it on a daily basis for gods' sake!

If Study Hall was graded, he was sure he would fail that too. The monitor was always telling him to quiet down or to stop fidgeting.

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