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Nico carefully untangled himself from Percy and climbed out of their bed as silently as possible as to not awaken either his father or the son of Poseidon. Percy's bed was definitely made for one, but since the incident with the owl, they somehow made the small mattress work.

He would be lying if he said he said he couldn't wait to go to bed every night.

Nico glanced over to his father. The lord of Underworld still appeared to be asleep, his body sprawled out on his black sleeping bag with one hand clutching a pillow against his head; most likely a futile attempt to drown out Percy's chainsaw like snoring. He wasn't exactly sure how he slept through it every night when his father struggled so, but maybe it was because how relaxed he felt when Percy wrapped his arms around him.


The son of Hades turned his attention back to his sleeping boyfriend. In the few seconds that had passed since Nico had crawled out of the raven-haired teen embrace, Percy had grabbed a pillow in his sleep and pulled it into a tight embrace. He wouldn't fault Percy for being clingy in his sleep, as he was just as bad, if not worse. The physical contact Percy gave him was making him feel more comfortable with displaying some intimacy in public, and he was almost ready to reveal their relationship to their mortal friends.

He frowned.

It was Wednesday morning, which meant prom was three days away. By the end of the school day he had to turn in their announcements for the premiere, so one way or another everyone was going to know. A rather significant part of him wanted to call the whole thing off and just stay home that night, but they had already ordered their tuxes and he had raised quite a fuss about the three of them going. But he was excited about it as well, and as long as he focused on that, all would be well.

Now smiling, Nico bent down and gave Percy a quick peck on his cheek, before slipping into the shadows.

Instantly he reappeared in what had more-or-less became Jason's room; his and Percy's clothes were still stored there, but Jason was the only one who slept in it. The blond was currently fast asleep, safely tucked beneath the covers with his arms protectively wrapped around his laptop. Only a few short hours ago, Jason and Percy had gotten into a rather heated argument. He wasn't sure on the details, but apparently Percy had gotten the laptop sick by looking something up on the internet. Neither would tell him what his boyfriend looked up, but Jason kept saying Percy had a dirty mind. After that Jason had worked late into the night to get the laptop fixed, and judging by the blond's content expression, he had succeeded.

He silently padded over to the sleeping son of Jupiter and tried to remove the laptop from the older boy's embrace, but Jason had it in a vice-like grip. Well, if it falls and breaks I can honestly say I tried to stop it. Next, Nico picked up Jason's glasses and cleaned them off with his shirt. He was positive that if Jason didn't start to clean them on his own, the teen would need a stronger prescription in the near future. Seriously Jason, how can you even see out of them when they're that dirty? He returned the glasses to their place on the nightstand. Finally, he retrieved a pair of boxers and a T-shirt from the closet, before once more slipping into the shadows.

This time he reemerged in the bathroom. The cool tile floor made his toes curl ever so slightly, but for the most part he was able to ignore it. The son of Hades set his change of clothes onto the sink and then turned his attention to the claw-footed bathtub. He spun the fixture, and with a rumble from the ancient pipes, cold water began to fill the tub.

"Crap," Nico cringed at the sudden sound. It was a little after three in the morning and he was the only one awake in the house; and he wanted to keep it that way. He didn't want Jason, Percy, his father, Demeter, or gods forbid Persephone to bother him. He just wanted an hour to take a nice hot bath all by himself without worrying about anyone needing to use the bathroom.

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