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-Thomas pov-

After we were injected with our vitamins. We were sent to a room where other people our age were. The other subjects, from another maze.

I sat down next to Newt and Fry. Fry was busy staring at everyone else. While Newt, was looking at the door from time to time. His leg bouncing nervously, and his face full of worry.

"Don't worry Newt. She'll be fine. They have the cure for her, she'll be back here before you know it." Minho said from beside Newt.

Newt nodded, and the door opens. Eveyone watches as Jansen walks in, holding a clipboard.

"Settle down, settle down. I know you lot are all ready to go to the safe zone. But you know we can only take a certain amount of people at a time. And I have the names of who gets to go today." Ratman said.

He started listing names, and once their names were called. They stood up and stayed behind Ratman and his guards.

"That is all we can take for today." And then he walked away.

I follow them with my eye's, ad see Teresa walking by the window. I frown and stand up.

"Teresa?" I say as I walk to the window.

She continues to wall like she doesn't see me.

"Teresa! Teresa, Hey! Where are you taking her?!" I yell.

I start heading for the door, and Jansen walls back to me blocking me.

"Where is she going?" I ask him.

"She's just getting a little extra treatment. She needs more vitamins than we thought." Ratman said.

Newt came up beside me, and looked anxiously at him.

"What about YN? Is she okay?" He asked.

Ratman looked at him and smiled. "YN is healing at the moment. She hasn't woken up yet, but we suspect that she will soon. And the moment that she does, we will send her straight to you." And then he walked away.

I looked at Newt, and he glanced at me before walking back to Minho.

"Hello. I'm going to be leading you to your room. If you would follow me." A guard said.

We looked at eachother, and followed the guard. We went around halls, and stopped at a door. They opened it, and we walked in.

"I call top!"

"To slow Winston." Minho said as he jumped up to the top bed.

The door shut behind me and locked. I look at it, before walking behind Newt to my bed.

"It doesn't feel right here." I mutter.

Newt looks at me as he's on the ladder to get on the top bunk.

"I think your just over reacting. Teresa is going to be fine mate." He said.

I look at him as I sit on my bed. "What about YN?" I ask.

He looks at me, and them climbs up the rest of the way.

"She'll be fine too." He mutters.
With the worry showing through his voice.

I shake my head, and lay down on my bed. Trying to forget everything that happened. And to try and fall asleep.

-Jansen pov-

I walk down the hall and open the door to the lab.

"Hello Mr. Jansen." Said a nurse.

I nodded my head at her, and looked through the glass.

Her Weakness {Newt x reader}Where stories live. Discover now