Their Here

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-Your pov-

I walk into a tent that Mary lead me too.

"You can stay here for now. I need to go and check on Vince." She says.

I nod, and she walks out of the tent. I sit on the bed, and lay down. I close my eye's, a swirling sicking feeling in my stomach. I turn to my side, and open my eyes when the tent door opens again.

I sit up automatically, and sigh when I see Newt.

"Ouch Love. Expecting someone else?" He says while putting his hand on his chest.

I smile and shake my head. "Nope. Just wasn't expecting anyone to come in. That's all." I lay back down again, when I feel the swirling again.

He rushes over, frowning and worried. "Love? What's wrong?!" He asks panicky.

I look at him and smile. "Nothing. Just have a strange feeling in my stomach." I say.

He kisses my forehead. "You don't feel like you have a fever. Tell me what you feel."

I sigh. "I feel. . . like I ate Fry's tomatoe soup."

He makes a face of disgust, and I see him trying not to gag.

"And. . . I have that feeling... like something bad is going to happen. And I can't shake it Newt." I say.

He frowns. "Love. We're safe, and now we can make our own world. Where we don't have to fear W.I.C.K.E.D finding us. Where we can start a family, and not worry about the Flare. We can build it. Together." He says kissing my hand.

I blush and smile. "Thank you Newt."
He grins. "Is there anything you want me to do? I want to help calm you down. I don't need you to worry, because then I'll worry. And we both know what happens when I get worried." He says smiling.

I giggle, and grab his hand.

"Sleep with me. Snuggle with me." I plead.

He chuckles, and kisses my cheek. "Of course you would want cuddles."

I smile, and cuddle into his chest as he lays down. "I can't help it. Your so warm, and soft. And you also smell amazing somehow."

I look up and see him blushing, and I giggle. He looks at me and grins. "Your also warm and soft. And you always smell amazing."

I blush, and hide my face in his chest. He chuckles and kisses my head again.

"Go to sleep. I don't want you to get sick Love." He whispers.

I nod, and kiss his chest, right above his heart. And I close my eyes, and drift to sleep.


I open my eyes, and see that I'min my tent. I slowly stand up, letting the covers fall to the ground. I see Newt isn't in the tent, and I walk out.

I see people laughing as they walk by, talking to others. I look over to the fire, and see Aris talking to the two girls. Harriet and Sonya.

I walk over and tap his shoulder.
He turns around and looks at me.

"Hey Aris. Do you know where Newt is?" I ask.

He points up, and I see Newt with the others on top of the cliff thing.

"Thanks!" I say walking away.

I head up the path, and walk quietly behind Newt. He didn't seem to notice me, but everyone else did. I smirked at Minho, who smirked back. I carefully walked up to him, and sat down on my knees behind him.

Her Weakness {Newt x reader}Where stories live. Discover now