Right Arm

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-Your pov-

"Where is the Right Arm Marcus?" Jorge asks.

Marcus shrugs. "I don't know."

I hear a groan and look to my left and see Thomas wakeing up. Teresa moves closer to him, and helps him sit up.

"Hey." She says.

Thomas blinks a few times. "Hey." He says.

He looks around and connects eyes with me and Brenda. Brenda looks away, and I smile at him.

"I don't like hurting you Marcus. Now do us both a favor, and tell us where the Right Arm is." Jorge says.

Marcus spits blood at Jorge's feet, and glares at him.

"Wait. . . He's Marcus?" Thomas asks.

I lean back into Newts chest, and he wraps his arms around my waist. I interlock my right hand with his left, and I feel him moving his thumb in a circle. Calming me slightly.

"He catches on quickly." Marcus chuckles.

Jorge punches him again. Marcus coughs, and glares at Jorge.

"Why would you want to go to the Right Arm? They are traitors to W.I.C.K.E.D, who is finding a cure." Marcus spits.

Jorge punches him his nose, and a cracking sound is heard.

"I'm guessing you work for them." Jorge says.

Marcus coughs again, and weakly nods. "I just made this club so that they could get more immune. They come in and give me money to keep this going, and in return I give them the immunes. Not difficult at all."

Jorge glares. "You know what Marcus. I lied. I do like hurting you."

Jorge punches Marcus over and over again. "WHERE IS THE RIGHT ARM!?!" Jorge yells.

Marcus leans away in fear. "Alright! Alright. I'll tell you."

Jorge lets him go, and the chair is back on all four legs. Jorge crosses his arms, and looks at Marcus expectantly.

"They move around a lot. Last I heard, they were mountains. Go North on the road, you'll find them." Marcus says.

Jorge nods. "We're going to need a ride to get there faster."

Marcus looks up at Jorge, with sadness and pain on his face. "Not Bertha." He shakes his head slightly.

Jorge bends down, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Bertha." He says smiling.

~Time skip~

-Newt pov-

I sit in the front of Bertha, smiling widely as the wind blows from the window. I look at YN who was in the back seat, sitting on Minho. I glare at him slightly, and he smirks.

"She's mine Minho." I say.

He smirk and hugs her to his chest. "I know."

YN rolls her eyes, and slaps his arm. He pouts and lets go of her. She leans closer to me, and smiles. I smile at her, and she kisses my shoulder.

"How are you Love?" I ask.

She shrugs. "I've been better. And I've been worse. So I'm fine. What about you Newtie Cutie?"

I smile at the nickname she calls me.

"I'm glad W.I.C.K.E.D. is gone. Now we're free, Love." I smile at her.

She smiles at me, and sits back in Minho's lap. She turns and looks at Teresa.

"Teresa, I braid your hair?" She asks.

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