The Scorch

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-Your pov-

I realized that crawling through a vent, is not as easy as it looks. But it wasn't to bad. . . Except I always had Aris's ass in my face.

When we finally reached our exit, Aris stopped. And that caused me to slam right into his ass, of course.

I pull back, and thankfully. Winston didn't run into my butt.

"A little warning would have been nice, Aris." I mutter as he helps pull me out of the vent.

"Sorry." He says.

We hear the sound of a door opening, and we run to the sound. We see Newtie, Minho, Fry, and Teresa standing on our side of the door. They were looking at the other side, and shouting at Thomas.

"Hurry Thomas! It's closing!" Teresa yells.

The door was almost three quarter's the way closed, when Thomas slid under the door. Aris grabbed a red fire extinguisher, and slammed it into the panel on the wall.

I see a man on the other side of the door, glaring at us. He trys to open the door, but with the panel broken. It wouldn't open.

"YN! Thank shucking god your alrigh'." Newtie said as he wrapped his arms around me.

I smile, and kiss his cheek. "I'm fine Newtie. Now, let's get the shuck out of here."

~Time Skip~

"Guys! Over here!" Teresa says, before she steps into the broken window.

"Teresa!" Thomas yells.

I roll my eyes as I walk into the window, and slide down the hill of sand.

"It's fine. Now hurry up!" I yell over my shoulder.

I wait until they've all come down, before walking around. Luckily Minho had a small light, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to see anything.

"What is this place?" Minho asked.

I look around and see a opening. "I think it's a store... Check this out."

I feel Newt grab my hand, and I squeeze it lightly. Minho shines the light at a box, and I see Thomas walk over to it. Another light turns on, and then I grab my own flash light.

I scan the room and see clothes and a bunch of other things.

"Some one must have lived here..." Thomas says.

"Ya, but where ar they now? And why did they leave all their stuff here?" Newt asked.

I let go of Newts hand, and bend down. I search through the clothes, and see a shirt that would fit me. And some boots.

I grab them and walk over to where Teresa is. I stand next to her, with only a curtain standing between us.

"I'm glad your okay." She says suddenly.

I take off my shirt, and grab the new one.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

I pull it over my head, and push my arms through it. And pull it down fully. I look at her over the curtain.

"I mean the Griever sting. I'm glad your okay, but aren't you worried that they did something to you?" She says looking at me.

I frown, and sit on the table in front of me. I start taking off my shoes, and putting the new ones on.

"I am. Just a little. But I don't want to think about it. Not right now anyways." I say as I finish tying my laces up.

I jump off the table, and walk over to Newt, Aris and Fry. I frown again.

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