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-Thomas pov-

Teresa and YN. They haven't been seen since we came here. I plan to take a guards card, so that I can enter the room Aris showed me. I look at Newt who was next to me.

"Don't draw attention to yourself Tommy." Newt warned.

I get up following the group of the people who were called. As I approach the door, the guard stops me.

"Let me through." I say.

He shakes his head. "Your name wasn't called kid. Sit back down."

"Look I just want to say bye to a friend of mine." I say as I try to push past him again.

He pushes me back harshly, making me stumble to the ground. I glare at him, and come at him. As I hit him, I grab his card, and get pulled back by Newt and Minho.

Ratman breaks through the behind the guard. "Thomas, I thought we were friends."

I scowl at him. "I don't know. Are we?"

He glares at me. "Take them to their room." He said and then he walks.

We get walked back to our room, and get shoved in.

"What the bloody hell Thomas?! What the bloody hell are you thinking?" Newt yells at me.

I shake my head, and hold up the card. "I am going to find out whats in that room Newt."

"What room?" He asks.

The vent flys open, and Aris comes crawling out. "Did you get it?" He asks.

I nod.

"Thomas why can't you just leave it alone? We're safe from them. I don't know about you, but some of us haven't had any of this for years." Newt says.

I look at him, and sigh. "I'm going to find out the truth Newt. With YN and Teresa gone, something is wrong with this place."

And with that I slide in the vent after Aris. He started leading me back to the hall where the door is.

~Time skip~

"It's Rachel. She was taken away the first week we were here." Aris says as he looks at one of the girls hanging up by a bunch of cords.

I continue walking, looking at each person. Each subject who was hanging by cords, taking their blood and making a different liquid.

"It's never good if she calls me."

I look at the door panicked, and I quickly run and hid behind a wall.

The door opens and Ratman walks in with a guard.

"Pull her up." Jansen says.

I look over the corner, and see a projection. I see a blonde woman, the woman who had shot herself in the video. The woman who ran W.I.C.K.E.D.

"Jansen." She said.

"Ava, what a pleasant surprise." He replys.

Ava stands up and walks to the front of her desk.

"You need to speed up the trials. The directors are becoming impatient." She says as she sits on her desk.

Ratman scoffs. "Weren't they always."

She glares at him. He clears his throat quickly.

"We're going as fast as we can. But I'm sure we can quicken the pace a bit, with out raising suspension." Ratman says.

Ava nods, and walks behind her desk again. She sits in her chair, and opens a folder. She pulls out some papers.

"Jansen, I don't want them feeling any pain." She said as she looks at him again.

Her Weakness {Newt x reader}Where stories live. Discover now