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-Your pov-

I feel strangely calm right now. But I feel something strange. Like that feeling of something bad is going to happen. I know I should say something, but I keep it to myself.

Newt had put my head in his lap, and was brushing my hair softly with his fingers. I let my eye's slip closed and I feel sleep coming over me slowly.

"Love, don't close your eye's. We gonna leave soon, so stay awake with me." Newt whispered in my ear

I pout and snuggle more into his stomach. "No. I wanna sleep." I mutter.

Just as sleep starts to take over.


I jerk up and see Fry holding a gun, and Winston on the verge of crying.

"What just happened!!?" I yell.

Thomas and Teresa come running back.

"He tried to shoot himself." Minho said.

"Why?!" I asked.

Winston slowly pulled up his shirt, and I saw his stomach. It looked like it was open wide, and I realized that he had it.

He had the Flare.

I felt tears pop into my eyes, and my vision blured quickly.

"I can feel it. Its slowly taken over me." He says slowly.

"Winston..." I sob.

I see Newt crouch down next to Winston, and hand him our only gun. Winston smiles slightly, and Newt gets up. He walks past me, and I can tell he wants to cry. But he stays strong.

I look back at Winston, and slowly walk to him. I crouch downs and gave him a small smile.

"I'm so sorry Winston." I whimper.

He smiles and coughs a bit. "It's not your fault YN."

"But I feel like it is Whinston." I sob.

He grabs my hand and squeeze's it gently. "It's not your fault, and nothing could have stopped this from happening. YN, from the moment I met you. I always thought of you as a kid sister. Just like Minho does, and I want you to know. That I will always be there with you, even when I'm gone."

I cry harder, and squeeze his hand. "Goodbye Brother."

He nods his head and I see tears falling down his cheeks. I slowly stand up, and make my way to Newt. He looks at me, and I see his eyes are red and so are his cheeks. He opens his arms and I collapse in his arms, crying loudly.

He lifts me up, and starts walking. I feel bad that he's carrying me, but I know that I wouldn't be able to walk if he put me down.

After walking for a few minutes, we hear a gun shot. A chill passes up my spine, and new tears pop into my eyes. I turn into Newt's neck and cry again.

Suddenly, my emotions became to much, and I felt exhaustion flood my system. My eye's started closing and I managed to whisper Newt's name, before passing out.

-Newt pov-

I'll admit. It was hard to carry YN. I was tired and my emotions were everywhere.

But I didn't want to put her down. I wanted to hold her. I wanted to know she was safe and okay. I wanted to comfort her, just like I know she would comfort me.


I look down and see her eye's closing, and her head going limp. Panic set in within a blink of an eye.

Her Weakness {Newt x reader}Where stories live. Discover now