Don't stop running

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-Your pov-

I look around quickly, and see a knife on the table. I grab it, and cut the line. It slips through the window, and disappears in the darkness.

"Follow me!" Brenda yells as she starts running away.

Thomas and I follow her closely, but the W.I.C.K.E.D guards follow us a few feet behind us.

-Newt pov-

I stand waiting for YN to come down the line. But she doesn't. Instead, the line now hangs loosely from the ceiling.

"No no no no no no no! YN!!!" I scream at the opening in the wall, where she should have been standing.

"Newt! Come on! We have to move!" Minho says grabbing my arm.

I struggle against his grip, tears clouding my vision.

"Not without her! I need her!"

Jorge walks up to me and grabs my shoulders. "She is with Brenda. She'll be fine. But we need to go now!"

I glare at him.

"Newt. She would want you to go. She needs you to be safe. You heard the man, she'll be fine!" Minho says.

I glance at him, and look down at my feet. I nod, and wipe my feet.

"Alrigh'. But if she has so much as a scratch on her. I will bloody kill you." I hiss at Jorge.

He nod and runs down the hall.

"This way!" He says.

I start running besides Minho and Fry. And Teresa and Aris are behind us.

Teresa jogs next to me, and glances at me.

"Newt. . .  Do you think that Thomas will make a move on YN?" She asks.

I glare ahead of me. "I trust YN. But of Thomas does. I can't promise that he'll be perfectly fine. But he won't be dead."

Minho grunts. "I don't know. I think I would kill him. She's like a sister to me, and I know that she would be pissed if he tried to make a move. Besides, Newt is the only one I'll ever agree too. No one else is ever going to be with her, other than Newt." Minho says.

I look at him with a grin on my face. "If she heard you calling her your sister. She would laugh."

He glares at me playfully. "Because she already thinks of me as her brother. She told me this before we left the glade you know."



"Quit talking hermano. You make the Cranks come out with all your yapping." Jorge says from up ahead.

-Brenda pov-

"This place, smells like shit. . . . I think Ratman would feel right at home." YN says, as we walk though the tunnels

"Oh ya, whys that?" I ask, not really paying attention.

"Because he's full of shit!" She says.

Thomas starts laughing, and I let out a chuckle.

"So.... Where are we going again?" She asks.

I look over my shoulder at her. "We're going to go find Marcus. And he is going to help us find he Right Arm."  I reply.


We come to a stopping point. Where one tunnel becomes two.

"I say. We go right." Thomas says.

Her Weakness {Newt x reader}Where stories live. Discover now