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-Your pov-

"Get! Get Away!"

I jerk up, out of Newt's arms. And see Thomas telling a crow to go away. I see Minho jerk up next to Newt, and he blinks a few times. I turn to Newt, who was still sleeping peacefully next to me.

"Newtie. Wake up. We need to go." I say softly as I tap his cheek.

He stirred and slowly opened his eyes. He smiles sleeply at me, and drags me down to his chest again. He cuddles with me, and kisses my head softly.

"Morning Love." He hoarsely said.

I smile at him, and kiss his chin. "Morning Newtie Cutie." I whisper.

He smiles at me with a brow raised cutely. "Newtie Cutie? Where the bloody hell did that come from Love?"

I giggle. "Nowhere. I just thought of it cause it rhymed with Newtie."

He fake pouts. "So I'm not a cutie? Harsh Love."

I laugh and get off his chest. Standing up and grabbing my bag. "Of course you are Newtie. Now come on, I don't want to stay here any longer than we should do."

He smiles and grabs my hand, letting me pull him up. He pulls me into his chest again, and kisses my lips. I kiss back with a smile breaking out om my face.

"Okay, guys. Break it up. You guys can kiss and shuck eachother later." Minho says.

I move my hand to flip him off, and I smile when Newt does the same. We break apart, and he grabs his bag.

"Okay Saas queen. Let's go!. . . . . Where are we going exactly?" I ask.

"Sass queen? Why am I a queen? I should be a king." Minho complains.

"We're going to the Right Arm. They're enemies of W.I.C.K.E.D." Thomas say.

"Enemies? Of W.I.C.K.E.D? Sweet! Let's go!" I say as I start walking in a random direction.

I stop and turn around to look at them. "Where are they, exactly?"

Minho, Newt and Teresa laugh. While Aris, Winston, and Thomas have mixed facial expressions.

Newt grabs my hand, and leads me in the right direction.

~Time skip~

We have been walking in the sand fo hours! We were heading for the Right Arm, that happens to be in the mountains. That happen to be really far away. I mean, that's great! Walking through miles of sand, with a limited amount of water.

Just perfect right?

Well, not really. Especially now that Winston collapsed out of no where.

But thankfully we had some extra sheets, and Newt and Thomas found some poles and stuff to hold Winston up.

I look at Newt who was helping hold Winstom up. And he had Fry helping him, and the next time we stop. Thomas and Minho would carry him instead. See, we switch so that we don't get supper tired and collapse like Winston.

"Hey YN."

I see Aris walking next to me. I smile at him.

"Hey Aris. Did you want something?"

He shakes his head, and looks at the mountain ahead of us. That was miles away.

"Do you think that they can help us? The Right Arm, I mean."

I shrug. "I don't know. But I guess we will have to find out, won't we."

He nods, and looks at me again. "YN... ummm, are you and Newt. A thing?" He asks.

Her Weakness {Newt x reader}Where stories live. Discover now