How's it hanging?

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-Your pov-

"Alex." I whimper.

Newt pulls me into his chest, and I hide my face. "I'm sorry Love. I'm so sorry." He mutters into my hair.

I nod, and sniffle.

"I see you met our guard dogs."

I turn to my lefr and see a girl with short hair walking through the Cranks. She stops in front of us, and puts her hands on her hips.

"I'm Brenda. Come with me. Jorge wants to meet you." She said.

We look at eachother, and back at her.

"Unless you wanna stay with them." She says.

I immediately walk to her. "I'm YN." I say as I stick my hand out

She shakes it. "Nice to meet you."

She turns around and we follow her. Newt grabs my hand and pulls me back to his side. I smile up at him, and he smiles nervously down.

"Who is Jorge?" Thomas asks.

Brenda looks over her shoulder at Thomas as we climb the stairs.

"He's the one who runs this place." She says simply.

We enter a room filled with a lot of people, and I see someone with their backs turned to us. He's messing with a radio, and I can hear static before he turns it off.

"Who are you? Where are you going? And where are you from?" He says without turning around.

I glance at everyone in the room, and tighten my grip on Newt's hand. I feel him do the same.

"I'm YN." I mutter.

The man turns around and looks at me. He smiles at me. "Hello YN. Who is everyone else?"

I glance at Newt and Thomas. "Tell you who they are is up to them." I say.

He nods and looks at Thomas.

"I'm Thomas, that's Newt, Fry, Minho, Aris and Teresa." He says as he points to them.

"Where are you going, and where are you from." The man asks.

"Who are you?" I interrupt.

He glances at me, and smiles. "I am Jorge."

"We are going to the Right Arm. And where we're from is none of your business." Thomas says.

Jorge raises an eyebrow and chuckles. "The Right Arm are ghosts. They don't exist hermano." He says.

"They do. I know they do." Thomas says.

I kick him quickly in his ankle. He glares at me. I roll my eyes. I see people getting closer to us, and I feel someone holding both of my arms.

"What the? Let me go!" I say.

I see Thomas is in the same position, and I hear Newt and everyone yelling our names.

"Oh be quiet you big baby." Brenda says to Thomas.

I hear a beeping sound and a static sound.

"You were right Jorge. Their from W.I.C.K.E.D." Brenda says handing Jorge something.

"Not this one. Shes unknown." A deep voice says.

"Put them in the hole, but leave her in a chair." Jorge says.

"YN!!" Newt yells as he gets carried off with the others. But then he gets knocked out like the others. And soon I see black.

-Brenda pov-

Her Weakness {Newt x reader}Where stories live. Discover now