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-Your pov-

"Don't stare. People tend to not like that. And stay close to me." Brenda says as she walks into a busy street.

I gulp, and follow her and Thomas. I glance at the people walking past us, I notice how some have the veins on their face. Some of them wear a mask that covers their mouth. Some of them just sit and watch people walk past.

I feel a hand on my wrist, and I look to see Brenda dragging me. She looks at me before looking forward again.

"You were falling behind. I didn't want you getting lost." She mutters to me.

I smile at her. "Thanks Bre."

She looks at me. "Bre?"

I nod and smile. "A nickname for you. Bre."

She smiles and nods. "I like it."

We walk through the crowds, and I can't help but think of everyone else. Especially Newtie.

'Be safe Newtie.'

-Minho pov-

"How far away do you think we are?" Newt asks.

Jorge looks at us and sighs. "We have a few more blocks to go. But then we have to enter a building. And what ever you do, Don't drink anything." He says.

I sigh and look at Newt. " How do you think YN is?" I ask.

He looks at me, and frowns a bit. "She would probably be thinking of a way to find us. Shuck, she might be looking for me right now." He says looking around.

I sigh. "Love sick puppy. That's what you are."

He glares at me and I smirk back.
"What. I'm just telling the truth. You two can barley keep your hands apart, let alone stay apart for a few minutes!" I say.

He stops, and if looks could kill. I'd be dead.

-Your pov-

We walk through a narrow ally way. And at the end is a building that I'm guessing Marcus is in.

"Are you here for the party?"

I turn around and see a blond girl. She's wearing heels and a crop top that was ruffled up.

"Uhhhh. No. I'm uh looking for someone." I mutter.

She stares at me, then at Thomas. Then at Brenda. I feel violated under her gaze, and I zip up my jacket.

"We're looking for Marcus." Brenda says as she crosses her arms.

The girl scans me up and down, before smiling creepily.

"Follow me." She says.

I gulp and look at Brenda. I walk up next to her, in between her and Thomas.

"I don't like the way she looked at me." I mutter to Brenda.

Brenda nods. "Me to. It was creepy as fuck."

I look at her. "It looked like she was about to eat me!" I whisper to her.

She scoff and smiles. "Don't worry. I'll protect ya."

I smile and roll my eyes. "I'll hold you to that."

The women stops and walks behind us. I stare at her before looking ahead. A man, and ugly man, who was kinda busy kissing a girl next to him.

The blond coughed, and the man looked at us.

"What do you want?" He asks, his voice slurred.

Brenda cringes and struggles to keep a straight face at the smell of his breath. I openly gag.

Her Weakness {Newt x reader}Where stories live. Discover now