Chapter 3:

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Omniscient POV

You would've thought after the uproar he made in the streets a little over an hour ago that Reese would've went but he did. He went to the one person he always went to after he got his hands dirty while his mind and heart were racing a mile a minute.

It was after hours so the grounds were closed but the night watchman knew him as well as his brother so he met him have his time tonight. Hoodie stripped from his torso laid on the ground beside him, gun in his lap safety off finger on the trigger Maurice's back was pressed against the hard stone that had his big brother's name, birthday and day he died sketched into it. Tears filled his eyes but he wouldn't let them fall. His heart aces in his chest. A type of pain that could kill a weak man.

The wind had picked up as the temperature dropped since it was well into the night now. Lifting his free hand Reese placed his palm against his forehead before lifting the other to his temple. The cold metal sent chills down his spine causing his breathing to pick up. The sound of his beating heart could be heard in his ears as he actually contemplated ending it all. All he had to do was give it one hard squeeze and everything would stop.

He wouldn't feel it. He wouldn't feel anything.

"Why you had to leave me bruh? How I'm suppose to do dis shit without you.....WHY would you leave ME like dis ?!" Reese mumbled his pleads to nobody but himself.

He wanted answers. He wanted to know why God didn't take him. His brother had a family and had good intentions. Why take him of all people. Maurice actually had half a mind to do it, to himself. The devil on one shoulder screaming end it all while a angel on the other saying there'll be better days. With the Hennessy he drowned moments ago starting to take affect a bitter but murderous laugh left his lips. His eyes were closed as he ready to off himself when the sound of his phone getting another text caused his eyes to snapped open.

Fishing it out of his pocket Reese noticed it was from a number that wasn't logged in. Without giving it much thought he quickly unlocked the newest IPhone before allowing his eyes burry eyes to scan the words as best the could.

213-289-0861: This is Robyn don't know if you'll really care or not Mel went into labor...

He stopped reading the text after the word labor before looking over his shoulder to Marcus headstone. The heavy piece of steal once again rested in his lap as his mouth hung slightly open.

You a father lowly left his lips as he started at the single picture of Marcus that rested in the middle of the stone. Reese had to laugh more to himself this time because he understood and got the message he was being sent. Yeah it is going to be hard learning to live without someone you've known your hole life but learning to live for their offspring could and would ease the pain.

Reading over the text once more making sure he knew what hospital they were at Reese rushed to his feet quickly getting himself together as much as he could before racing to his car The was parking on the road at the bottom up the hill.

Maurice could handle his liquor pretty well and since Hennessy never got him all the way there when he needed it any other time he knew he was good. Once he had made it to his car he started up the engine. The wheels turned and shot off all a bat out of hell that he was in the main road heading towards the hospital in seconds. The whole time his mind was racing and he actually felt nervous like he was the one who was about to be a father. His palms were sweaty as a feel of uncertainty washed over him. Right now Reese was out of control when it came to his emotion and keeping those at bay was something he took pride it. But with alcohol in his system, suicidal thoughts running through his brain as well as getting the news that his niece was about to be born had him mentally, physcially, and emotionally on a level he's never been on.

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