Chapter 9:

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Robyn POV

"You did what...WHERE?"

Throwing my hands over my eyes dropping my head at how dramatic Mel is being right now. Here it is Christmas day and I'm finally telling her what happen between Maurice and I in his car. I tried to keep in to myself but I needed somebody to share my shock with and since my favorite cousin is the only person I have to share moments like this with here we are.

"Mel do you have to be so loud."

"You damn right I gotta be loud." She took a few deeps breath which made me roll my eyes and laugh as she looked around the corner to make sure nobody was coming since we were indeed in Momma Joyce house. "So you telling me ya'll were in the front seat of his car. You riding his mothafuckin lap like a broom stick while yall in a full blown tongue war and he finger fucked you."

"Oh my God you make it sound so dirty."

"Because it is bitch and I am so proud of you." She started jumping up and down so much that I just left her standing there before walking over to baby Layah.

She only a month old and she's starting to look more like her father. Maurice has gotten a chance to see her since the night she was born. Well he really hasn't been trying either. His mother nor Mel have seen him since then either and I'm starting to feel guity that I see him more than his own family does, let alone talk to him. When I first told Mel about Maurice coming to my job she seemed excited until she asked why and I told her he said because he doesn't to worry about me mentally judging him while he's around. Something in her face dropped almost like she was hurt. I quickly tried to tell that I reassured him that Momma Joyce as well as her would never judge him but something in her eyes made me think she already had. She looked guilty and some what bitter. But she's my cousin and I don't want her to think I'm trying to take anyone away from her or her daughter. I've already been blamed enough before my own sister for something I didn't want nor did I have any control of.

I made sure not to share the fact that he went to go see his father last week either because I was afraid that I might slip and tell Mel what he told me about their conversation. If Maurice doesn't want his mom to know what his dad told him I'm pretty he would want me to keep it from Mel too and once again it wasn't my business to share.

"Robyn sweetie can you help me in the kitchen." Momma Joyce voice pulled me out of my thoughts and snapped my head into her direction.

She was standing in the doorway of the kitchen with a small smile upon her face that automactically made me smile back before giving her a nod. Once I made it into the other part of her home I realized all her sisters were in here as well. For some reason they make me uncomfortable whenever I'm around them. Maybe it's their stares or the way they mumble under their breath when they think I'm not paying attention. I noticed their topic to talk about most of the time is when it comes to their sister is her son and I'm not talking about the one whose now resting. They try to make it seem like their just worried about their nephew after they had already lost one but I know if I can see through the BS so can Momma Joyce.

These women hard a problem with Maurice like he had personally done something to them. With every second I'm around them I start to understand more and more why he stays away but that still doesn't make his absence right because he's not punishing them by not being here. It's his mother whose affected the most. I asked him earlier when we spoke on the phone was he coming over, his silence was enough to answer my question. He told text him whenever I was ready and I simply said okay and that was it.

This time I removed myself from my deep thought putting my attention back on the woman of the house.

"What you need me to do Momma ?"

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