Chapter 6:

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Omniscient POV

The ride to the top floor felt longer than it should. Heart pounding the words I need you played over and over again in her mind. Reese didn't seem like the type to need anybody so for him to send that through a text along with sending her a ride had her a little scared but more excited than anything. When the Uber had arrived to the high raise apartments Robyn couldn't help the way her mouth fell open. She had never seen anything like it and to be honest she didn't except Maurice to live in a place like this. She felt odd walking into the main lobby informing the young woman behind the desk who looked around her age that she was here to see Mr. Brown. She looked at her with this strange look before she called up to his house. The two had a breif conversation before she walked Robyn over to the elevator, swiping to key card before pressing the button the read PH.

Looking down at the clothes she had on Robyn felt like she was under dress. She had changed out of her interveiw clothes earlier and into some ripped jeans and regular t-shirt. A part of off brand shoes covered her feet as her hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail and her face was makeup free. She hadn't told Mel and Momma J where she was going when she left them back at the hospital but she was pretty sure they assumed she was coming to see him. Well at least they hoped that was the case. As the numbers went up Robyn hands started to shake. She didn't know what to think. Maurice had asked her to come over and she didn't know why. She wasn't stupid, she knew most of the time when a guy asked you to come over it's because he wanted sex but she didn't think that's what he wanted, at least she hoped not.

When the elelvator finally ding and the double doors opened to the floor she was suppose to get off she noticed she was directly in his living room. Her eyes roamed the area as she took her time stepping out. She didn't see him anywhere nor did she hear any signs of movement. It was dark in the apartment so dark that it actually made her uncomfortable. The sound of the doors closing behind her caused her to jump. Slowing she walked deeper into the apartment, it looked like something out of a movie or magazine. The ceiling was high, the windows were floor length and the floors were hard wood. She noticed his keys and phone were resting on the coffee table that set in front of the black couch as well as a blanket and pillow. The sight of bloody tissues caught her attention when she heard movement coming from upstairs. Her head snapped towards the staircase to the left of her. Waiting a few moments she saw his bare toes before she saw the rest of him. His lower half was covered with gray sweats while the only thing covering his torso was his tattoos. Robyn noticed that he was taking his time walking down the steps as if his body was sore. She was ready to ask him what was wrong but then his full frame came into veiw and she noticed the bruise.

"Oh my God Maurice what happen?" Her voice was filled with panic as she rushed over to him once he had completely walked down the steps.

Taking her arm wrapping to around his waist Robyn made sure not to squeeze him too tight since she noticed the bruising to his ribs. Maurice lazily threw his arm over her shoulders before leabing more into her. His body was killing him to the point him think ole boy from earlier made broken a rib or two.

"Maurice can you please tell me what happen?" His weight was heavy against her frame but she wouldn't let him fall as she helped him over to the couch so he could lay down.

"Got into a fight earlier." He finally spoke as they both took a seat.

They didn't pull away from one another as Maurice rested his head against that cushions and for some reason all the nervousness Robyn felt in the elevator was gone. She understood now why he had brought her here. He truly needed her because he was hurt. Grabbing his chin the same way he had did to her the night before Robyn turned his face gentle for her to see all the damage. The left side of his face had turned a deep purple and there was a cut on his bottom lip. His eyes were closed but his face remained frowned up due to the pain he was feeling. Her gaze ran down his upper body to see the bruises on his side. Dropping her hand from his face Robyn gentley touched his ribs whiched caused him to jump and hiss in pain.

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