Chapter 21:

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Omniscient POV

The sun had barely started to rise and the penthouse was dead quiet when someone screaming HANDS UP startled Maurice out of his sleep. His vision was burrying as he instant fell around the bed looking for his lady but his hand only came in contact with cold sheets. Sitting up straight ignoring the pain shooting up his spine he heard it again.

"HANDS UP ! Nobody move !" This time heavy footsteps raced up the stairs and before he could register what was going on he had about three guns in his face along with a few bright ass lights. "Let me see your hands Brown !"

Confused on what was happen Maurice lifted his hands as high as he could only to have one of them men standing before him to grab a hold to his wrist yanking him out of the bed. He could barely make it to his feet before the shoved him down to the floor. Laying on his chest hus arms were forced behind his back as a pair of mental cuff bounded them together.

Then what felt like a knee being pressed into his back caused him to let out a ear piercing scream. The pain paralyzed him. The air left his lungs as his eyes filled with tears of pain and anger.

"Get off of him !" One the verge of passing out because of the pain he heard his baby.

Being told never to move from her spot downstairs next to momma and Mel Robyn couldn't help but jump into action when she heard her man let out such a scream. Without even thinking she rushed towards the steps causing one of the officers guarding them to spring into action. He grabbed her just as she made it to the top of the stairs to see Maurice pinned to the grounds, hands cuffed behind him and a knee in his back. The knee of Officer James.

"Get off of him ! He can't breathe !" Tears filled her eyes as she struggled to get free.

Nobody listened to her. It even seem like James added more pressure once he heard her pleads. Hearing her man starting to cough violently like he was fighting for his next breath Robyn stoved the officer who held her as hard as she could causing him to let her go. The shove was hard enough that it threw him off balance and since they were on the stairs it was his reflex to let go to make sure he didn't fall.

That was all she needed to make her move. The officers that were already in the room she shared with Maurice didn't have time to reacting before she pushed James off of him causing him to fall against the side of the bed. Using her body Robyn sat on Maurice bus before covering his back with herself.

"Get her da hell outta here !" James voice was laced with vemon.

One of the officer gripped Robyn's waist but her had slid her arms around Maurice frame being careful not to add any pressure to his back as she gripped her own wrist in her hand.

A death grip that wasn't about to break.

"He's hurt ! He had nerve damage ! AND you fucking know that James ! Since you came up the hospital every week asking for updates." Robyn screamed. She was furious but more worried about Maurice physcial state which she knew wasn't good by the way he slightly banged his foreheand against the floor trying to distract himself from the pain. "Stop it baby it's okay I'm here. I'm right here." She whispered as only he could hear.

Since she wasn't looking up at the officer's behind her Robyn nor Maurice noticed the questionable looks Officer James was getting from his colleagues. Trying to ignore it himself James spoke.

"Get him up." He ordered which snapped Robyn back into a attention.

"Don't touch him." She said with the most aggressive tone Maurice ever heard her use.

In his mind he smirked saying you heard what my baby said, don't fucking touch me.

Slowing Robyn stood to foot before looking at one of the officers

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