Chapter 7

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Reese POV

This place always gave me the creeps brewing up. Always being watched, caged the wide animals, being when to sleep, when to eat. A constant reminder that you ain't shit and will never be shit as far as the government is concerned. The place my pops has called home and will forever lay his head until he's no longer breathing.

I haven't been here since I got jumped in. My momma still comes twice a week. Marcus came twice out of a month but me, his baby boy, he hasn't seen the mess I've become. I am everything he didn't want me to be when I was a boy. But here I was sitting at this metal table in a seat that didn't quite fit me waiting to see the man I've written out of my life for the past ten years.

I need his help because everyday I wake up a little bit of my sanity slips through my fingers.

On the outside my body was motionless my face held a blank expression but in the inside I was scared like I was when I was younger and my momma would make me tell my pops all the wrong I did that day in school. As a father he was never abusive towards me and my brother but he did insteal in us a sense of fear and respect for him. I know he's not proud of me. I also know my mother keeps him as updated as possible when it comes to everything I'm doing and with him still having contact with the old heads out in the streets I know he knows everything. But I was here to confess my sins nor was a asking for forgiveness. Right now I needed my pops to see me as a son, as his son. I need for him to sleep everything I could say out loud.

I need my father.

The sound of the heavy metal doors sliding open caught my attention as I lifted my head. I haven't seen him since I was a boy but he didn't look like he aged a day. Standing to my feet I side stepped the table bring my full frame into veiw. I could my pops and I almost stood the same height but I had him by at least three inches. His build was thicker than mine I'm guessing from his many days on the yard. His hair was cut close as the his tan pants and white shirt covered his frame. His eyes burned into mine. He didn't look surprise nor happy to see me. I didn't expect him to be. A CO stood on either side of him as his wrist were chains to his waist before connected to the ones around his ankles. I haven't told my momma I was coming to see him so I knew he had no idea I was coming. He probably was upset that I had taken his wife's visit.

Once we were a foot apart tone of the guards uncuffed his wrist before connecting him to the table that was bolted to the floor as a safety precaution. I watched carefully as he took his seat then I followed suit. The guards had left us alone once we were seated but we didn't speak. His eyes roamed my face taken in my appearance. I wanted to look away under the pressure but my pride wouldn't allow that.

"So who are you?" Were his first words to me.

They caused me to drop my head as a bitter filled chuckle left my lips. Sitting back against my seat I crossed my arms over my chest before speaking.

"Don't play pops."

"Pops? Nah as fair as I'm concerned both of my sons are dead."

His words cut like a knife. They hurt like a bitch but they only added to the rage that has built up towards this man over the years. My thumb rubbed across the tip of my nose as I thought about what I was going to say next to him. See my pops was head strong it took a lot for him to see his wrongs and honestly I am him.

"I guess I deserved dat and you right the sons you left behind died along time ago."

"So that's your excuse. You got daddy issues so you throw your life away. The life your mother and I fought hard to give you and your brother."

"You didn't give us shit!" My words came out laced in vemon. I could tell he was taken back by the force behind then but I wasn't going to allow him to take what belongs to my momma and my momma only. "My momma fought for us. She gave up everything us you ain't do shit but pick the streets over yo family and look where dat shit got you."

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