Chapter 11:

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Robyn POV

The sound of a phone vibrating on the dresser woke me up from a peaceful sleep. Trying to wipe the tiredness away from my phone as I reached for my cell the weight of a heavy arm wrapped around my waist caught my attention. Looking to my left I notice Maurice as still laying next to me. His face was buried into the pillow under his head as he laid on his stomach. With his upper body still being naked laid my hand on his bare back slightly shocked to find that his skin was soaked. That's when I noticed the sheets along with his hair were wet as well.

My phone vibrating again caused me to pull my attention from him as I reached over for the device. I instantly recognized the number. It was the hospital.

"Hello" I answer trying to keep my voice low.

My gaze landed back on the sleep man next to me as my free hand constantly rub his back.

"Robyn we need you in the ER." My supervisors voice came through the other end of the phone.

Taking the time a glance over at the digital clock on the nightstand seeing it was a little after five in the morning. The sun haven't even come up yet. I wanted to hang up the phone but with me being on call I had to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

"Okay I'm getting up now."

With that our call ended as I slid out the bed making sure Maurice stayed resting as I made my way to the bathroom. When I stepped inside the sight made me stop in my tracks for a second. The shower was running while a pair of boxer and basketball shorts were on the floor next to the glass door. Maurice must have showered while I was sleep and forgot to turn the water off. Reaching in to turn off the water I was met with the freezing tempature causing me to jump back. After two extra tries I finally got the water off. Before turning my attention to the sink where I found an open pill bottle which caused my heart to instantly drop.

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes as my mind trying to come up with a situation to what happen last night after I had went to bed. I know Maurice emotional trauma eats away at him but the more I'm around him for longer periods of time the more I see it's killing him. He's at a mental war with himself. The devil on his shoulder saying end it all while the angel on the other saying he has people who love him and I could only pray that the angel is winning the argument. But from what I'm witnessing, my prayers aren't working.

Glancing at his sleeping frame from the bathroom door my heart aches because i didn't want to leave him but I knew I had to. It took me no time to get dress and handle my hygiene but I couldn't bring myself to walking away. Standing at the side of his bed where he now slept on his back my eyes focused on his rising and falling chest but they didn't miss the slight frown that displayed at his brows. Allowing my hand to brush through his soft curls my lips pressed against his forehead as I said a silent prayer over him. Maurice has founded a place in my heart and if anything was to happen to him I can honestly say my heart would be broken. The care that I've grown for him over the time we've shared has become so strong that it almost becomes hard to breathe when he's not around. When I don't know what he's doing or if he's okay. I have no one to talk to when it comes to how much I worry about him because I don't want to scared his mom or Mel but it's starting to get to a point where it becoming too much for me to handle. Though we've been in a good space for a little while now I can still feel him keeping that distance between us. He keeps distance between him and everybody else like he doesn't know who to trust but I just wish he would trust someone even if it isn't me.

After leaving a note for him to find once he woke up and calling an Uber I made my way downstairs and towards the elevator. The whole ride down to the lobby my stomach was in knots as this uneasy feeling started to wash over me but I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind once the door slid open. The lobby was fairly empty do to the time of morning aside from a few people that looked as though they were going to work as well. I made eye contact with the girl that usual behind the desk when I come over. She gave me a certain look that I couldn't really place but I chose not to put too much thought into that either as I made my way outside right as my Uber pulled into the lot. Even though I left a note behind I still found myself sending him a text syaing I'll see him on my lunch break since that had become our thing.

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