Chapter 20:

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Reese POV

I still ain't make it to the house after getting out the hospital this morning. After leaving "The Waffle" we had to stop and get my medicine and some other shit Bird swear up and down I'm going to need. Being honest I just want take this shirt off and lay face down on my bed. My skin is starting to become irritated and if I'm being real I feel like my knees are about to give out but I cant tell my shawdy that.

She's already running around like her fucking head gone enough I ain't trying to stress her out even more because of some mild pain.

By four o'clock we final headed to my spot where I found out Mel and my momma been staying for the pass month. Bird also told me my momma ain't been back to her crib since I got shot. Maybe I can use this as an excuse to finally move her out the hood.

Shifting in my seat I rotated my shoulder trying to ease the tension forming in my back but before I knew it the pain was shoot down my right leg. My nails started to dig into my thigh as my eyebrows frown. I could feel Bird glance over at me before Putting her eyes back on the road.

"You okay baby?" She asked.

I debated on lying to her, saying that I was okay but it was pointless.

"Nah my back been killin' me and I'm starting to feel it in my leg." I spoke as my eyes darted over to her.

We caught eyes for a brief second. I could see the worry forming in her face as I tried to mask the pained expression that I know covered my face. Neither of us said anything else. My momma and Mel were quiet in the backseat too.

The silence was comfortable.

After a couple more minute we pulled into the parking guard of my building. Bird's sister and her husband had went to their hotel. Bird assured me that they haven't been to my spot or even outside my building. She knew I didn't like for people to know where I laid my head.

Sitting in the passenger seat with the door open. I let my right leg hang outside the Range but made no attempt to stand. I knew my legs were too leak for that. So waited to momma and Mel to grab the bags as Bird pulled the wheelchair out the trunk. Once she set it up she quiickly rolled it to my side of the car before putting the break on making her way closer to me. My arm wrapped around her shoulder as her daped loosely around my waist. The same way we did it was the hospital.

On the count of three we stood. I held my breath trying to ease the pain I felt but I was no use. I was fucked up. Sitting in the chair I could feel everyones eyes on me. My upper body bent over my elbows rested on my knees was my face laid in my palms. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes as the burn grew worse. Everybody said anything, they just let me have me moment. After a few deep breaths I set up as best I could before here up a slight nod.

I tried not to look at any of the women in my life because I knew their expression would be sad. I didn't want them to be sad but I also could ask them not to be. Even though I'm the only one carrying the physcial pain of being shot. They were carrying the emotional pain of witnessing something like that and then not knowing if I was going to make it or not.

Once we made it to the elevator and the metal box started moving up towards my floor I tried to relax more. As soon as the doors slid open my eyes landed on big gold balloons that spelled out Welcome Home. I instantly smiled. Bird pushed me out the elevator first at everyone else followed suit. Looking at the three women now standing in front of me and the one princess the laid sleeping in her momma's arms I was grateful.

They loved me and I loved them. All in different ways.

After a few seconds of silence I decided to break it.

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