Chapter 24:

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Maurice POV

Here I was again in a place I didn't want to be and if I'm being honest I was here unwillingly. If it wasn't for my wife I wouldn't be standing here now allowing these mothafuckas to search my pockets. She says it would be good for me, that it will give me some closure but I don't see it here. The last time I was here this man looked me in my face and told me both of his sons were dead and that it was my fault.

Being so close to death changed something in me along with being able to see my brother, to hear him say he didn't blame me that alone allowed me to began to move on with my life in more ways than one. But something about seeing my pops again just doesn't sit right with me. Nobody because when I look across from him all I see is a older version of myself. I know he knows I've been shot by the way he called my momma every day while I was still in the hospital and even now. Every time he asked to speak to me I would turn my momma away. I still haven't told her what went down between us the last time I was in the visiting hall so I doubt she understands why I refuse to speak to her husband. Even now he still calls. He even got Birds number from Mel and they talk once a week but I never have anything to say no matter how many times she tries to hand me the phone.

I'm only here now because she calls herself having a attitude with me because I wont give in. It's funny because before she started talking to my pops herself she was fully on my side about not wanting to speak to him since she was the only who knew what he had said to me. But my pops is a charmer and he worked my baby into feeling bad for him.

Don't get me wrong my father is a good man but like me he doesn' know how to voice the way he feels in a proper way.

I told Bird I was here to allow him to clear the air but honestly I'm just here so she can stop being selfish with the pussy. Since she calls herself being mad she been holding out on your boy to the point that I'm so desperate that one of these mornings she going to wake up with my head in between her thighs and my dick in my hand just to get a nut.

The sound of the loud doors sliding to the side snapped me out of my thoughts. The tension in my back started to set in as I made my way into the vistors hall. My pops haven't come out yet as I made my way to the table asigned to us. My eyes roamed the white halls and CO's in every corner with guns. Chatter was coming from all angles as people enjoyed their visit. Leaning back against the thick plastic that made up my chair once I took my seat. My hands rest on my thighs as my foot tapped against the floor. After moments a waiting my pops showed his face walking from the back where other inmates were standing waiting for their turn to enter to the hall but my eyes quickly left his when they landed on somebody behind him. He looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. As my pops made his way to me I searched my brain trying to figure out who this nigga was. My pops noticed where my gaze was focused which caused him to glaze over his shoulder then back at me. Once he made it close enough our hands mindlessly locked together as he pulled me into a one arm hug.

It lasted a second maybe two before I started to pull away but he didn't let up. Instead he let go of my hand and wrapped both of his arms around my frame. His left hand rested on my back while his right gripped the back on my head pulling me closer. My pops hasn't hugged me like this since I was a child. His grip on me was firm almost like he was afraid to let me go. My arms stayed by my sides as he mumble something to himself that I couldn't fully understand. It sounded Arabic though. I know since he's been locked up my pops found himself deep into the religion of Islam so maybe that is what all this is about.

When he finally does let me go I see something in his eyes that I've never seen before. He looked panicked, worried, and maybe even scared. Quickly I brushed those emotions away though before stepping back away from him taking a seat in my chair once more. I watch him as he watched me. He stood there for a few more moments before taking his seat across from me.

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