Chapter 25:

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Omniscient POV

A layer of unspoken words washed over the couple as they entered their penthouse. Maurice hasn't spoken since they left Marcus's grave and Robyn didn't want to push him. After mumbling the words she set me up he said nothing else leaving Robyn alone with her thoughts wondering who her husband was talking about. Only one person kept coming to mind though. Whoever the girl he was with the night Marcus was shot and killed.

The guilt she thought he was starting to get over was now coming back full force. She could see it in his cloudy eyes, in the way his shoulders tensed and how his arms hung lifeless at his sides. If that is the "she" her man is talking about then she knows it's nothing she can do to bring him out of the darkness this time. There was no more running this time. She had to stand behind him to protect him, to have his back the way only she can.

The two carried themselves up the stairs that led to the bedroom in silence. Robyn wishes he would just say something, say anything. She always hated when she felt like he was shutting her out. Maurice has a habit of getting lost in his own thoughts and it's never for a few minutes. These periods of time always go days, maybe weeks and he doesn't realize while he's lost in his mind he's also putting distance between them. Robyn tried not to fault him though. She knew that it was something he did when stress became too much. But she couldn't help the feeling of jealousy that was starting to form.

It might sound crazy because it wasn't like Maurice has found comfort in the arms of another. He was always right next to her even before she had decided to walk away. But the fact that he has never been comfortable enough to come to her first before he allows himself to go into the dark places upsets her. She wants to be the place he automatically runs to when things become too much. But something that Robyn has learned from the talks she has had with his father is that the two men are alike in more ways than one. Both think keeping their women out of the life they live protects them, that keeping their thoughts to themselves makes them more of a man. They would rather stress alone than to put any of the weight on their lady's shoulders. They will carry the world on their backs before asking their wife for help.

It's stubborn of them but Clinton reassured her that it was his fault that Maurice is the way he is because that's how he raised his boys while he was home. He raised them to keep business and personal life separate. That your lady should never feel like she has to lie, steal, or commit a crime in order to save your ass. But Robyn has been doing that willingly well before she and Maurice have ever even crossed the line of intimacy. One glance at him and she just wanted to be that shoulder and she still wants to be that.

Watching on as he pulled his shirt over his head exposing his bareback. Robyn heard a hissing sound escape his lip. A sound that almost caused her to spring into action but forcing herself to stay in her spot closer to the staircase. The muscles in his back had become sore. Knowing he wouldn't ask for her, Robyn kept her distance as he continued to pull his clothes from his body until he was in nothing but his black Calvin Klein boxer briefs. Watching as he began to make his way to the bathroom, Maurice didn't look over his shoulder to see if she was watching him still because he knew she was. He reaches his hand behind his back palm up. It only took her a second to realize what he was asking. As quickly as she could Robyn made her way on the other side of the bedroom before placing her hand into his.

Once inside Maurice dropped her hand to turn on the bath water giving her the time to remove her clothes as well. Unlike him, Robyn didn't leave on her panties so when he turned around to meet her eye his gaze roamed her naked body. With her being not too far along in her pregnancy her baby bump only looked like she ate too much today but he knew what was really there and it made him smile inside. The two haven't told momma nor Mel. They kept it between themselves wanting to be selfish with their moment. Well, really it was Maurice wanting to be selfish. Robyn was ready to tell them but he knew once the other two women in his life knew he would never have alone time with his wife again until the baby was here.

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