Chapter 15:

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Robyn POV

Maurice is always a man of his word. I've seen not heard from him since March and here it is May, Mother's Day to be exact. His birthday was a couple days ago and I sent him to text because I was too scared to call but I didn't get a response back. Neither Mel or Momma J hasn't spoken to him which isn't a surprise but since I'm no longer their way to contact him everybody has this unease feeling.

He started sending them money though. Once a week he wires hundreds of dollars into his sister and mother accounts. That is our only way of knowing his still alive but Momma J is positive we'll see him today or at least she will. She told me he's never missed a Mother's Day. He always brought her flowers and spent time with her. If she didn't see him any other day she knows for sure she's going to see him today and that brought me some peace but not enough.

I missed him with everything in me. I miss his touch, his smell. I miss the way he looked at me. Though the emotion behind his eyes was always unreadable I knew he only looked at me that way and it made me feel special. I missed our silent nights where neither of us said anything but his head rested in my chest as his lower half rested between my thighs. I really missed his lips though. The way they formed with his words or how the corner of them would pull up whenever he gave me that smirk, even how they felt against mine.

I can't sleep at night. I worry that something has happen to him while he's out with his friends or even that he's hurt himself in his own home. My soul wouldn't be able to take it if something like that ever happen. I look at Mel everyday and see her pain. The pain that will never go away because the love of her life will never kiss her again, never touch her again. She'll never hear the words I Love You come from his lips once more. The thought of never hearing Maurice's voice again brought me to tears. Even now with sitting in Momma J's living room in one of his hoodies bought tears to my eyes.

She had cleaned up and even cooked his favor meal because she was positive her son was coming today. Her energy was so bright as I watched Momma J almost dance around the kitchen as she prepared everything. Being so caught up in my thought I didn't even notice Mel had entered the room until I felt someone sit down beside me.

"She gets like dis every year. She says it's da only time she can get a glimpse of the sweet boy she raised and not the mask he shows the world." She spoke.

"If he does come I don't think I should be here Mel. I don't want to mess up his day with his mother."

"I told Momma I don't think neither one of us should be here but she said we have no choice. We're all family and that he'll have to confront that one day."

"But why does is have to be today?"

Mel didn't say anything else only shrugged her shoulders before leaning her head against mine. We sat like this for what felt like forever then a familiar sound came from outside the open window. I don't care how many cars drove up and ground this street I always knew when it was his. Looking down at my cousin both of us got up on our knees putting them in momma's couch before looking through the blinds.

There he was well his car at least.

He hasn't gotten out yet but he was parked in his same spot, up against the curb. When the door finally opened my heart stopped. I held my breath but I couldn't look away.

I never felt like this whenever Maurice arrives but right now in this moment I was scared.

"How about you two fools get your knees out my couch, get out the damn window and come on outside." Momma J words left no room for arguing.

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