Chapter 17

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Robyn POV

It is well after midnight and I have yet to shut my eyes for more the second it takes me to blink. Momma J and Mel had no problem finding peace in dream land as they both rested in Maurice's bed. I decided to take the couch downstair because sleeping in that room without him just felt wrong and since my body refused to rest I found myself sitting on the floor in the living room counting the money that had been in the duffle bag.

I didn't know what Maurice was doing riding around with this type of cash on him but to be honest I didn't care and I most curtainly didn't want to find out. After putting each bill in its right stack I took a few rubber bands I found around the penthouse and placed it around each stack of money. Fifteen thousand dollars it what everything added up to.

I couldn't do anything but sit there and think as I looked to the money, the drugs that still sat in the wide out duffle bag, and his phone that set in the charger nearby. His phone had been dead by the time one of the nurses had brought us everything they had taken off his person. This was the first time I've be able to to power ito on since I never really thought about it before. I've never been one to go through nobody privacy especially theire phone but for some reason I felt the urge to go through his. I needed to know anything about what he was doing to get himself here. What was he doing in my absence. Picking up his phone I quickly typed in the password that he had once told me. A part of me though he would have changed it by now but he didn't because it unlocked itself within seconds.

He had likely hundred unread messages and just about the same number of missed calls. Going through his text first I noticed none of the numbers were logged in. A lot of the text were asking was he okay or was it really him that got shot. I guess his lack of response gave everyone their answer because he has receieved a knew text since the day he was shot. Every number who called didn't leave a voice mail. Honestly I didn't know what I was looking for. I just wanted all of this to make since. I wanted to know who had done this to him since the police were more worried about looking at him as a criminal than a victim. They'll will most likely say this was a act of gang violence which was true but that would only be their way of saying they weren't going to look more into the case the same way they had done Marcus. I keep replaying that day over and over again in my mind. The look on Maurice's face when he noticed the car. He didn't look confused or like he had to think about anything. It was like he knew the car, he knew who was inside, and he knew they were trying to kill him and he didn't nothing to stop them.

I could stop my eyes from watering up as he through his phone to the side somewhere. My finger racked through my messy hair as the sounds of gunshot kept ringing through my ears, the sight of his body hitting the ground, the look on his face as he stared back at me.

"Please God I'm begging you don't take him. I know you see the good in him because I see it. I feel it. I know he can be great just give him a chance." Tears rolled down my cheeks as I tucked my legs up under me playing my weight on my knees. My face folded rested on my forehead as I squeezed my eyes tight. "He's lost and I can't help him find himself because I don't know who he was before loosing his brother, before the guilt started to eat him alive but you do. You are the only one of can help him so I beg you please show him. Show him what he's worth. Show him that this is not his fault. I love him more than I've ever loved anyone. Don't break me...don't break this family anymore than it already is. We need him."

My words were mumbled but I knew I didn't need to scream in order for him to hear me. A sudden hand placed on my shoulder caused me to jump. My head snapped to the left looking up to find momma j standing there. Without any words she dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around me so tight that I couldn't hold back the sob. Right then a broke into a thousand pieces.

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