Chapter 18:

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Robyn POV

Watching him sleep, just simply sleeping and not in a medically induced coma brings me peace. The morphine they have pumping through his system has him in and out must of the day but I don't mind. I took my place in the chair next to his bed and since he's still laying on his side, Maurice was facing my direction while our hands loosely intertwined with each other. It was well pass visiting hours now which left only me here since Momma allowed me to be the one to stay the night with him. The hospital was quiet and the only thing that could be heard was footsteps every now and then coming from the hallway and the beeping sounds of the many monitors he was still hooked up to. The tv was turned on even though it had been muted just to give me a little light without disturbing his sleep.

It was enough light that I was able to see this slight pout that formed at his lips. I don't know if it was because he was uncomfortable or just the way his face had dropped since he was relaxed. Suddenly my eyes started to water as my chest began to tighten. I was started to realize that he could've die. He should've die, with the amount wounds he has as well as the amount of time he laid bleeding out in the middle of the street. He shouldn't have mad it through that first night. He shouldn't be breathing but I am forever grateful tha he is and I know for sure that that was the work of God and hsi fallen brother turned guardian angel.

"Don't cry. You know I always hated when you cry especially when I'm da reason." His low and rushy voice cut through my thoughts causing my eyes to snap up at him.

Maurice was already staring back at me. His eyes low must likely a mixture between him being tired and the high he's feeling from the painkillers.

"I-I can't help it. I...we almost l-lost you." I was starting you crack under pressure. I didn't want to cry in front of him. I didnt want him to see me weak because I'm suppose to be strong for him.

With our fingers already intertwined I could feel his grip get a little tighter even though it was still weak. He doesn't have many type of strength in his muscle yet.

"Come here." He moved his frame closer to the other side of the bed.

"No Maurice I'm not getting in that bed with you. I don't want to hurt you."

"You're not I promise I just wanna hold you...please." The look in his eyes almost made me break. Those brown orbs stared at me with a look, with a emotion that I didn't want to guess on. He needed me. He needs me. "Bird plea-" His words were cut off by a strong cough then another.

Jumping up out of my seat I quickly grabbed the trash can that sat close by just in case his threw up again. The coughing hadn't stopped it only got more violent. I could tell it was causing same pain in his back by the way he wined and squeezed my hand with every cough. Loosening his grip on me I grabbed a bottle of water that sat on the tray of flood I was picking through earlier. Once I made it back to the bed I helped him sit up the best he could for before grabbing the bottle to his lips. He drunk as much as he could before the uncontrollable cough started again. Some of the water and other contents from his mouth hit my white shirt, that when my heart fell into the pit of my stomach.

Blood was on my shirt.

Quickly turning on the turn Maurice was still coughing but I could see the blood staining his lips and that hand he was coughing into. Hit the emergency button.

"HELP ! We need help in here !" I yelled before moving closer to Maurice. His body was becoming more weak to the point he was about to fall back into his back but he caught him by his arms wrapping them around my neck. "Breathe baby just breathe."

"I...c-can't." The utter pain in his voice shook me to my core.

"Somebody get da hell in here !" Moments later my coworker Tonya rushed through the door. Once her eyes landed on us she quickly called for a doctor before rushing to our side. "He had blood in his lungs."

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