Volume 1 Chapter 1: The Getaway Vehicle

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A vulture faunus emerged from a bank in Vale, carrying two money bags in one hand and a Sig Sauer P226 in the other. Behind him three other figures came out carrying various sidearms and bags of money. An eagle faunus, a human wearing a taco hat, and a human with horns. This was not a bull faunus or anything of the sort, rather it was half-demon. The group turned their attention the approaching sirens.

"Book it, boys!" The vulture faunus, appropriately named 'The Vulture', told his crew. He was the undisputed leader of the other three. They would do almost anything for their leader. The small crew ran down an alleyway next to the bank.

To their misfortune, the alleyway lead to a brick wall dead end. The Vulture had to think on his feet as the sirens got louder. After a few seconds he found their escape route.

"Matt Demon! Up the ladder!" The Vulture commanded. Matt Demon didn't hesitate following his leader's orders, quickly climbing up the ladder. He was soon followed by The Eagle, Taco Man, and finally The Vulture. The group wasted no time, jumping across roofs of several dozen-story buildings. Their luck soon ran out as they were faced with a 100+ foot drop.

"Give up, Vulture! We have you right where we want you!" One of the sheriffs called from behind him. The Vulture turned around to face 8 police officers, guns pointed at the crew. Just when they were about to surrender, a bullhead roared above them.

The bullhead began firing at the officers with several dust bullets, forcing them to retreat. The bullhead landed next to them. The doors opening revealing 2 infamous criminals.

"Well, well, well if it isn't my favorite group of rapscallions." Roman Torchwick greeted.

"Cinder! Roman! I thought we talked about this. We aren't joining your little alliance or whatever the fuck you have going on." The Vulture called back.

Cinder approached with malice, but instead of injuring the leader as she usually would, she just stood in front of him, hands down to her sides. "Oh, Vulture, we've been well aware of that." She paused, narrowing her eyes at the individuals. "But killing you would interfere with our plans, you have proven to be useful to us."

"We- we have?" The Eagle, the second in command asked. Any other time, the 'mean fire lady' as he called her, would've just called then a nuisance and tried to burn them where they stood.

"You have made a wonderful scapegoat for the cops while we robbed Vale dry of dust." Roman replied.

"We can't let you get caught until we are finished extracting all the dust in Vale." Cinder explained.

"Oh wow, how nice of you. Expect a bouquet of roses on your doorsteps." The Vulture rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. The two turned to the bullhead, Roman having one more thing to say.

"Word of advice, fellas. Get a getaway vehicle. You won't be in this situation as often." He waved before closing the door.


The four criminals were at a car dealership. Specifically, one for criminals like them. You had to pay with cash, but it was worth it to not have the government have all this information on you.

The Vulture, The Eagle, and Matt Demon were situated outside of the dealership while Taco Man picked out the automobile they would be using for their "missions". After half an hour, Taco Man stumbled out hastily.

"Guys! I found the perfect car!" He exclaimed, excitedly waving the others in. They were quick to follow, curious as what this mystery vehicle could be.

"Taco Man, what the hell is this?!" The Vulture angrily asked. Needless to say, he was not impressed.

"It's a truck!" Taco Man replied with pride in his voice.

"Thanks, asshole. I told you we need to look inconspicuous!" In front of The Vulture was a bright pink Truck with neon lights on the outside. To make matters worse, none of the windows were tinted. "How the hell are we gonna get away from the cops in this attention seeker?"

"Drive. Duh." Taco Man stated, still not understanding the problem with the vehicle.

"...That's it." The Vulture cocked his pistol and aiming it at Taco's chest. He would've put his entire clip in him if it wasn't for The Eagle and Matt Demon forcing the gun out of his hand.

"Alright, you got your vehicle, you pay now." A man with a thick accent ordered the men. Surrounding the four men were the dealership's  henchmen with their guns holstered, but easily accessible.

"I say The Vulture pays!" Matt Demon was immediate to put his leader in financial trouble. The Vulture simply turned to his second hand man.

"Oh what a delight this is, huh The Eagle?" The Vulture signaled his fellow faunus. On que, The Eagle pulled out his pistol and quickly took out 4 of the henchmen, landing a bullet in each of their heads. The Vulture, Matt Demon, and Taco Man quickly took care of the other 8, leaving the dealership a bloody mess.

The four men piled into their new car. Before they sped off, The Vulture rolled down the window to have a talk with the traumatized owner.

"Hey, man, don't take it personal. We're poor." The leader simply said before speeding off into the night. "Well, guys I gotta say that was well choreographed. That was probably our best attack yet. But I have to ask. Should we have killed those guys?"

"Eh, no." Matt Demon answered.

"Absolutely not." Taco Man shook his head.

"I'm pretty sure most of them had children." The Eagle told the group.

"Yeah, I feel like we could've left without all of that violence." The Vulture admitted, eyes glued to the road. "But hey! New car!"

Those two words quickly changed the mood of the crew. The four men broke into whoops and cheering, which was followed by a few minutes of silence.

"So, you guys wanna kidnap someone?" The leader asked his subordinates.

"Sure." Taco Man replied.

"Mine as well put this car to use." Matt Demon shrugged.

"I can't get their faces out of my head." The Eagle slumped in his seat.

"Alright, let's go do some criminal activity! Wooo!" The Vulture exclaimed, driving into Downtown Vale.

Finally done. What did you guys think of the first chapter of this new series? Hope you enjoyed, and if you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments.

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