Volume 2 Chapter 9: Neighbors

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A soft and continous beeping awoke The Vulture from his slumber of his comfortable king bed. He sat up with a yawn before stretching and flaunting his wings, though of course no one saw.

"Man, this place still feels...unnatural." The Vulture said aloud, though, again, no one was in the room to here it. He took a look to his right and noticed sunbeams shining through a small gap between the two blinds of the large window. Highly unusual for him as he was usually up an hour before dawn.

The leader got out of the serene bed and made his way to the kitchen/dining room hybrid and made himself a cup of coffee. After gulping down said cup of coffee, he walked downstairs to the entrance and out the door to get the newspaper, just in case there was any news about them. Fortunately, there was not a single story about them in there.

"Hello, neighbor!" A gentle but firm voice called from the side. The Vulture froze like a deer in headlights before slowly turning to face him.

The man was about six feet tall, a oblong face with a few wrinkles, blue eyes, a round pair of glasses, naturally gray hair, even though he didn't look that old.

"Oh, h-hey man." The Vulture said, a little confused. Shouldn't this guy recognize him as the infamous criminal mastermind? "Do you... not know who I am?"

The middle aged man gave a puzzled look. "Hmmm, no, I don't think I recognize you. Why? Are you one of those internet celebrities? Eh, I wouldn't know. I don't pay attention to that crap. I just watch the Nightly News at Six. I need to catch up, I've been out in the country with my missus and our little boy, no TVs or radios or anything."

Th Vulture nodded, acknowledging what the man was saying and making a mental note. "Well, see you around, man." He waved before walking inside. After he was inside, he wasted no times running up the stairs and into the living room to alert the rest of his crew.

When he entered the room, he saw them sitting on the couch and chairs in front of the TV, which was doing it's daily checkup on "The Vulture Situation" as they called it.

"Oh shit!" The Vulture exclaimed, running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah.. they aren't even giving us any credit! Like, we kill people and rob banks too! It isn't just The Vulture!" Matt Demon said, before The Eagle promptly slapped the back of his head.

"What are you so worked up about? We're always on the news." Beefer Sutherland said, turning around to face the vulture faunus.

"Yeah. We're famous." Lt. Honk bluntly stated.

"That's not the point I was tryi- whatever."

"What am I worked up about? Our old ass neighbors are home and of course they are gonna turn us in when they see us on the news!"

"And? They're old. Let's just kill them, it's not that big of a deal." The Eagle said.

"They have a kid! We don't kill kids." The Vulture stated.

"I've killed a kid." The clown lieutenant said, which was followed by a few moments of silence, everyone unsure of how they should respond.

"Anyways, we could just kill the old people. He could be lik Bruce Wayne! What kid doesn't want to be Batman?" Beefer reasoned.

"Yeah, but I don't think Batman is appealing because he was an orphan, I think it was because he was a millionare badass who fought crime with awesome gadgets." The Eagle countered.

"Well, it's left up to interpretation." Beefer said with a shrug.

"What? No it isn't-" The Eagle was cut off by The Vulture.

"Oum Damnit, this isn't important! We need to find out how to deal with this without killing anyone, for once." The Vulture said, causing them go into a brainstorm session.

"We could plant drugs on them and call the police." Lt. Honk suggested, frustrating their leader.

"That would just bring the police to us! I'm pretty sure they are more worried about the most wanted men on Remnant than a brick of coke." The Vulture replied, shutting his idea down.

"Well, we could burn their house down and make sure they get out before the news comes on. Like what we did the other day, except this time the Lieutenant won't slit their throats." The Eagle formulated.

"Huh, I think that'll work. But we'll have to pick a good spot that will burn the house down, but give them enough time to escape. And a place where they aren't at so they don't see one of us light the match. And we'll have to put the fire out before someone sees and calls the fire department." The Vulture elaborated on the plan, pacing back and forth.

With the plan set, they waited until three in the afternoon before they had Lieutenant Honk scale the building and look through the windows before the hopping back down.

"So, what did get, Lieutenant?" The Vulture asked.

"There is a bedroom right there with an open window that is unoccupied. I think it's good." He answered. With the greenlight, the Vulture managed to climb up the wall of the house with minimal noise and make his way into the bedroom, he quickly lit the match and threw it on the floor before jumping out the window and rolling as he landed to avoid injury.

Within half a minute, smoke began to leave the open window, which informed the crew that the match had done its job. With these in mind, they ran inside so they wouldn't be suspect.

The rest of the crew sat in the living room, watching TV while The Vulture looked out the window, biting his nails. The entire second floor was in flames, yet he saw no one exit. Just as the fire spread to the first floor, the door was busted down and the three people had escaped the clutches of the fire unscathed.

The Vulture walked out and feigned surprise at the burning building. "Damn. This is crazy."

"Yeah, I'm just glad we all got out alive. And we haven't unpacked so most of our stuff is in our car." The middle aged man said, while his wife and the child were hugging each other. "Well it looks like we are going back to the countryside. It was nice to meet you, err, I never got your name actually." The man said.

"Oh, I'm, uh, Cornelius." The Vulture said, making up a fake name on the spot. It didn't matter, he wouldn't see them again.

"Neat name. I'm Jack. It was nice to meet you, Cornelius." He said, reaching his hand out. The Vulture smiled and shook it.

"It was nice to meet you, too, Jack. I'll deal with the fire." The Vulture told him.

"Don't hurt yourself now. Just call the fire department." Jack instructed him. The Vulture nodded and watched as the piled into their station wagon. The criminal mastermind waved as he drove away and waited until they were out of site before getting his crew and putting out the fire themselves.

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