Volume 1 Chapter 6: High Speed Chase

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Taking the job as a police officer, Ruby was bound to be nervous at one time or another. Hell, she even expected to be a little nervous. But this, this was an entirely separate category.

She knew the Vulture and his crew was an intimidating foe, but she was not prepared for this. In fact, she wanted to run back to her comfortable leather seat of her disguised car and drive away, but she had to do this. Not just for the civilians of Vale and really all of Remnant, but for her fellow coworkers.

Coco and Velvet had worked hard to set this up. They had plenty of resources set up, including a bullhead equipped with a sentry, which Velvet was put in charge of.

She tried to push away all the fears and doubts away as they approached. The Vulture by far was the scariest. Standing at 6'3 with large, outstretched ink black wings the emerged from his back.

His name didn't help either. A Vulture, scavenger of the dead. Except, he was the one to do the killing of an organism.

His Second in Command, The Eagle. He wasn't nearly as tall, standing a little under 5'10, but what he lacked in height, he made up for in pure muscle. Unlike his leader, his feature were less noticeable and easily hidden. All he had was a thick coat of white fur on his neck.

Matt Demon was also intimidating in his own way. Of course, the most notable thing was his sharp horns that stuck out of his head. He was around the same height as The Eagle, give or take.

Finally Taco Man. The only person of this quartet that she, or anyone else, would feel a little safe being around. He simply wore a Taco Hat with a goofy smile on it. He was also the smallest of the group, standing a little over five and half feet. No one would guess these criminals would ever get into the silly shenanigans they get into on a daily basis.

The Vulture, being the leader, naturally stood in front and looked down at the undercover cop. He towered over her and Ruby was utterly terrified.

"G-Greetings, Mr.Vulture!" She squeaked out, holding her hand out for a handshake. The Vulture calmly shook her hand before retracting it after a second. He wasn't one for formalities.

"Please, Mr.Vulture was my father, just call me The Vulture." The Vulture said with a small smile, though it didn't calm Ruby down one bit.

"Um, okay. Well, I have a simple task." She paused for a moment, recounting what Weiss told her to say. "I need you to kill Officer Weiss Schnee." She tried her best not to wince as she said this. Even though she didn't mean it and Weiss had directly told her to say it, it was weird to tell someone to kill her best friend.

"Ah, piece of cake! I'll just lure her to a false crime scene and assassinate her!" If Ruby wasn't flinching before, she was definitely doing it now. Even though he was a criminal mastermind, it was extremely discomforting hearing someone plot to kill another human without a single moment's thought. Ruby managed to keep up the facade and gave a weak smile.

"Well, let me get my lien from the car." She said, before walking away. It took every fiber in her body not to run, but that might blow her cover.

The Vulture turned back to his crew. "Well, Taco Man, I was wrong. This was a good idea after all-" Just then, a bright light from the sky shone down on them and a voice with a light Australian accent boomed over them.

"Put your hands up and get on your knees! You are all under arrest for the Murder of Sage Ayana and conspiracy to murder Weiss Schnee!" The Vulture put his hands over his eyes and looked up at the Bullhead, managing to notice a certain rabbit faunus looking down at them with a megaphone in her hand.

The Vulture groaned, but luckily for him he came prepared. He did have a sneaking suspicion this was a trap so he had a smoke bomb in hand. Thinking quickly, he threw it at the ground and in seconds, him and his crew was invisible, hidden in a blackish purple cloud.

The criminals quickly and in well-coordinated fashion, piled into the Fuckmobile and sped off. The cops weren't far behind, immediately picking up on their trail with the light from the bullhead guiding them through the darkness.

The Vulture pulled a strategic move, driving through a populated part of Vale. While it was admittedly risky, the payoff was great, as the cops couldn't use any guns in fear of killing a civilian.

It was a whole different story on the highway, however. Chief Adel had managed to predict where the chase was heading and warn everyone to get off the highway. They managed to land a few bullets on the car, but none hit the tires and the fact that The Vulture had experience evading bullets didn't help.

The intense car chase didn't let up after an hour and The Vulture needed to come up with a plan, and fast. Only a quarter of their gas was remaining. It didn't help that The Vulture was never under this kind of pressure.

"Shit! Alright, alright. This is gonna be risky but I'm going to turn into the woods and shut off the lights, hopefully we'll lose them in there." The Vulture said, narrowing his eyes at the treeline next to the four lane road they were on.

"What if we don't lose them?" Matt Demon asked, looking back at the flashing lights worriedly.

"Well, then we're fucked." The Vulture bluntly stated before taking a sharp turn into the woods while simultaneously turning off the lights of the Fuckmobile. It was bumpy as they tried to avoid trees since it would clear a path for the cops.

It seemed to work, as the cops flew by, not expecting it. By the time they turned around and got to the woods where they turned into, there was no sign, not even a clear trail. Even the light lost them.

It was pure luck that the woods ended at the backyard of their base. The Vulture kept the car parked in the woods that way they wouldn't spot it if they drove by and quickly got inside.

All four members were painting heavily from the chase. It was the closest they had been to being caught. Even The Vulture himself thought they were done for. It was also him to be the first to speak.

"Woo! What an adrenaline rush!" He said, as the others nodded, though it wasn't in the same enthusiasm. "So, it looks like we'll have to lay low for a couple days or possibly a week. So, just relax." Everyone, including the Vulture, was relieved to hear that.

A few blocks away, Ruby banged on the hood of her car in anger, tears of frustration pouring down her face. "Damnit!" Hearing her cuss made the others jump. "We were so close!" She collapsed onto the hood in exhaustion. She had went through all of that just for the perpetrators to slip through her fingers.

Yang comforted her by giving her soft pats on the back while the others consoled her in other ways. Telling her it wasn't her fault.

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