Volume 2 Chapter 10: The Search That Never Ends

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"Where the hell is he? We've searched every city, town, every Oum damn block!" Ruby rented, pacing around in front of the car her and Weiss had drove all around Mistral, Vale, and Vacuo.

They had gotten close to catching the Vulture multiple times. The most prime examples were the bank heists The Vulture and Co. barely managed to escape from and showing up at their "shit shack" just hours after they had moved.

"Well, we haven't searched every block." Weiss informed the Rose. The Schnee was leaning against the aforementioned vehicle while looking at a large map of Vacuo.

Ruby rushed over to her and got a look at what Weiss was talking about. Weiss traced her finger on a stretch of road that was about 3 miles long while Ruby looked one.

"There are no houses there!" Ruby exclaimed and huffed.

"They could be off the map." Weiss suggested.

"That's highly unlikely!" Ruby countered.

"It's worth a shot." She responded with a shrug.

"...Ugh. You win." Ruby sighed and rolled her eyes before getting in the driver's seat while Weiss got in the passenger's. "Alright, you are my GPS. Guide me."

Weiss did as told and instructed her where to go. Though, she didn't do it good enough, as they did get lost for a bit, resulting in Ruby yelling at her. To be fair, Weiss was tired from the constant search for The Vulture and Ruby was on edge trying to avenge her sister.

Eventually, they arrived on the stretch of road Weiss saw on the map. Well, calling it a road was a bit of an overstatement, as it was basically just an unfinished dirt trail with a large plot of empty land on both sides of the trail. It's nothing short of a concrete miracle that the road was on the map in the first place.

"I knew this was a waste of time..." Ruby muttered as Weiss drove back to the hotel room the Schnee had rented in Toriés, the city with the bank The Vulture and Co. held up.

"What is your problem? I suggested a place we might find them at and you're mad because they weren't there. I've followed you through three of the four kingdoms and haven't-"

Weiss was cut off as their car collided with another vehicle she didn't notice because she was too busy looking at Ruby while she ranted rather than the road. Weiss rubbed her head as she got out, with Ruby getting out right after.

"Good job, Weiss! Now we-" Once again we have another line of dialogue cut off. This time it was the choice of the speaker, Ruby in this case, as she saw the person she had been hunting exiting the green truck they had wrecked into.

"Son of a bitch, I just got this truck!" The Vulture yelled before delivering a swifr kick to the front bumper in anger.

"To be fair, you did get it from an impound." The Vulture's second hand man, The Eagle said as he exited. Soon, the rest of the members of the small gang were out looking at the damage.

"You!" The Vulture eyes shot at Weiss before storming up to her. "What the hell is your problem? Were you not paying attention to the fucking road?!" The Vulture screamed at her. It seems that he didn't recognize either of them.

Ruby used this to her advantage and ducked into the car and unlocked the glove compartment before grabbing a gun. She rose back up and took aim at the angry vulture faunus, who was too much in a state of rage to notice. Luckily, Beefer was paying attention and wasn't in the mood to lose another member.

"Vulture, watch out!" He called. The Vulture's eyes immediately darted to the redhead holding a glock aimed at him. He ducked just as she fired the gun, barely escaping the jaws of death.

"Shit!" The Vulture exclaimed before he and his crew got their pistols out. They fired back at the duo who used their vehicle as protection.

The Vulture had found a perfectly sized boulder for him and his crew to use as protection and what ensued was a 6v2 gunfight. Even the former law enforcers were outnumbered, it turns out going to a police academy helps increase your accuracy, so it was pretty even.

Lt. Honk was still there, but his gun had jammed just as the firefight started, and didn't know to ask his crewmates for their guns, being a veteran clown with no grasp on the real world. This helped the girls quite a lot, as they would probably be dead if he was in the shootout.

The eight, really seven, fired at each other for hours and, since there was no one with a five mile radius, it went uninterrupted. Ruby managed to land a shot on The Eagle, right in his stomach and he was out.

After a while, the Vulture and Co. stopped firing at them. Ruby didn't advance though, as she was smarter than that, as she made the assumption that when they drew close, they would get filled with lead.

They started back up, but something was off. They weren't even close to hitting either of the two. Ruby peeked around her car and noticed all their bullets were hitting their own truck. Then it finally clicked.

"Weiss, hit the deck!" She said, and, with no questions asked, Weiss did and they both dove away from the vehicles. The cars exploded behind them after taking so much abuse and Ruby had prolonged the death of her partner and herself.

When she looked back she saw The Vulture fleeing with his goons, with two of them carrying the injured eagle faunus. Ruby tried to get one last shot in, but her last clip ran empty. With a heavy sigh, she got up and helped her partner up too.

The two stared at each other for a minute before they pulled each other into a hug, whispering apologies to each other. Tears welled up in their eyes as they imagined what would've happened if one of them got caught in the fiery combustion.

After a long embrace they began the long walk back to their hotel. It was about 20 miles, which meant it was about midnight when they got back to their room.

Although it was late, neither were tired. Mentally anyways. So they just lied in bed with the lights on, staring up at the ceiling, replaying the events of the day in their heads.

"Welp, I'm thirsty." Weiss said, and got out of bed and headed for the door.

"Huh? At you sore?" Ruby asked, sitting up to rub her aching legs. Weiss gave her a smile.

"We just walked 20 miles, I think I can handle a stroll across the street and a block." Weiss replied, putting a hand on her hip. Ruby giggled at her antics.

"Get me a water, will ya?" Ruby asked her and she responded with a nod before exiting the room. Ruby laid back down, crossed one leg of the other, and tapped her foot on the mattress as she stared up at the ceiling.

This time of silence was ended when her phone rang. The caller ID was 'Weiss-Cream', which confused the Rose on what she needed. "Weiss?"

On the other line she heard what sounded like the phone being dropped followed by grunting and blows landed. This worried Ruby deeply. "Weiss-"

"He's here!" Her frantic voice finally revealed itself. "He's here! He's trying to kill me! Please Ruby, I need h-" Weiss' panicked tone was replace with a gut wrenching scream.

Ruby dropped her own phone before sprinting out the room and running across the street, not looking either way, fortunately she avoided any cars.

She continued to run until she came across the phone of the heiress, the call was still going. She turned her head to the alleyway that the phone was in front of it and walked into it.

Ruby didn't care for her safety, she just wanted to save Weiss. Unfortunately, she was too late as the Schnee's limp body came into sight, her throat slit.

Ruby began to visibly shake, her hand going to her mouth in shock. She slowly came closer and noticed a small note next to the body. Ruby bent down to pick it up and read it.

Courtesy of The Vulture

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