Volume 1 Chapter 7: Laying Low

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So, the Vulture series finale was uploaded today and holy shit was it amazing. I'm not gonna spoil anything, but I just want to let you know that I won't be following the way it actually went as that would be predictable. That and I am going to add more characters to the Vulture's crew gradually over time.


Laying low.

That was not something criminal mastermind The Vulture was used to, but he had no choice.

There were cops situated just a couple miles away from his hideout, trying to get evidence on where they went. Leaving could easily expose where they were.

Unfortunately, laying low didn't exactly speak volumes of fun for the faunus. He wanted to go out and do mischievous acts. Murder, heist, distributing drugs - anything. Not sit in his base and listen to the banter among his crew.

"I'm going to fucking snap." The Vulture muttered to himself, burying his face in his hands. He racked through his thoughts, trying to find something to kill time.


Unfortunately, he couldn't do that at the moment. But he did find the second best thing.

A classic boardgame.

"Hey, asshats! Get in here!" The Vulture ordered the other three, who were quick to gather in the room. "Wanna play Monopoly?" He asked, holding out the box and shaking it, as if he were luring them in.

They looked at each other for a moment before sharing a collective shrug.

"Sure." Matt Demon said.

"Sounds fun." Taco Man agreee.

"I have a gambling addiction." The Eagle gave a thumbs up.

"Alright, the Eagle and I will be the bankers!" The Vulture was quick to call the job.

"I wanna be the property distributer!" Matt Demon immediately said after banker was taken.

Taco Man slumped down. "Aw man! That means I'm stuck with the house guy! That job sucks dick!"

"Come on, Taco! T-The House Guy is important too!" The Eagle attempted to comfort him, patting his back.

"Whatever." Taco Man grumbled and crossed his arms.

Within a couple of minutes the game was set up and the four were sitting on the floor, gathered around the board. The Vulture, being the leader, naturally chose first taking the wheelbarrow. It was more for sentimental reasons, as it was one of the few tools used in the disposing of his first corpse.

The Eagle chose the dog, as that was his favorite animal, even beating out eagles themselves.

Matt Demon ended up picking the top hat, since that was what he used to cover his horns early in his life.

Taco Man went with the car, as it reminded him of the beloved Fuckmobile, the gang's getaway car.

The Vulture managed to grab the first available railroad from GO. Next was The Eagle, who scored Baltic Avenue.
Matt Demon took a chance that sent him to jail and Taco had to pay 200 for Income Tax.

Though the fate of the players would not be reflected from their first roll. For example, The Vulture landed himself in jail 6 times and after a few times around the board was consistently under 100 dollars and had to continuously mortgage to pay rent to other players. All of this caused him to flip the board.

The Eagle went from getting the cheapest properties in the brown ones to Park Place and Boardwalk, which he made a profitable outcome off of.

Matt Demon was only in jail one more time and became the second richest player, getting in second place. Most of that had to do with him buying an entire side of the board and trading everything to get the properties on that side.

Taco Man was the ultimate winner after paying his taxes. He went with the famous strategy of buying pretty much everything you land on, which caused him to steal the other three railroads from The Vulture. Not to mention, even though he was richest, he got Free Parking both times, causing The Vulture to flip the board a second time.

Even after the game was finished, The Vulture still felt unfulfilled. Sure he had a couple hours of fun, but all of that went away as soon as the game was over. Not even a little bit of amusement lingering afterwards.

With a heavy sigh he flopped on the couch and flipped on the small 30 inch TV on the dresser, trying to get a good signal.

He had been mindlessly watching and flipping through channels, he didn't even notice hours had gone by until he saw the night sky outside his window.

This had also caused him to realize it had been silent throughout the base. It must've been late if everyone was asleep. His asumption was confirmed after checking his scroll and seeing the time read '2:29 AM'.

With this, he decided it was finally time to rest. Fluffing his pillow, he began to drift off. Well, that was until there was a knock at the door, causing the vulture faunus to bolt up.

The others were up as well and had gathered outside their leader's door, each with a different handgun in hand. The Vulture came out as well, holding a pistol.

The silently went out the back door and went around the building, not making a peep.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, this was exactly the fulfillment The Vulture was looking for. He cocked his hand gun and peered around the corner of the house and saw a man with a...hamburger hat?

Comically, the other three's heads peered over the corner as well on top of his. Taco Man was the first to speak up.

"Brother?!" Taco Man rushed over to him calling the burger to look over at him. Soon, the two got into an embrace.

"Uh, Taco Man, who is this?" The Vulture asked, putting his gun down.

Taco turned around with an arm around the burger. "This is my brother: Beefer Sutherland!" He proudly announced to them.

"Oh Beefer Sutherland! Because the burger hat!" The Eagle pointed out, causing Beefer to tilt his head in return.

"What are you talking about? That was the name given to me at birth." This was the catalyst for an uncomfortable silence.

"Anyways, how did you find me, brother?" Taco Man removed his arm and turned to face him. Beefer scratched the back of his head.

"Honestly, it was a complete coincidence. I was thrown out of my house and have been drifting around for a couple months. Sometimes I go and steal from people, and so I knocked on your door and bam! Here you are!"

"Wait, you were going to rob us?!" The Vulture asked, seemingly angry.

"Y-Yeah." Beefer shivered a bit, clearly nervous. The Vulture eyed him for a few minutes.

"My type of man. Say, we could use help. Wanna join our crew?" The Vulture asked, a small smile apparent on his face.

"Oh boy, would I! I've always wanted to be a criminal since I was a kid! And now I get to work with my little bro." Beefer said, clapping excitedly.

"Well, welcome to the family, Beefer Sutherland."

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