Volume 2 Chapter 11: Heist

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We've finally made it, the Volume 2 finale. I just want to apologize for so many delays on this coming out, but I was busy with school and I wanted to crank this out during Christmas but my family was over. Now, after this we are on the third and final Volume and Volume 3 will be short, under ten chapters in fact.

"Let's get excited, wooo!" The Vulture exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. Despite his ecstatic attitude, no one in the car followed suit. "Wait, why aren't you guys excited?" He said, looking at his second in command Eagle and then turning around to face Beefer and Matt Demon in the backseat.

"I mean, we've done this so many times, it's kinda just the norm." The Eagle said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, after awhile it gets mundane, ya know?" Matt Demon said from the backseat.

"Wow. Okay." The Vulture said, a small edge present in his voice.

"It's not like it's bad! We can still do it. But, come on, even Lt. Honk is bored." Matt Demon motioned to the trunk bed and the other three turned to see the clown with arm fully extended, pointing his finger at the sky, counting clouds.

The Vulture groaned and placed his head on the steering wheel. Doing heist was his favorite thing in the world to do, but as of late none of his compadres had the same passion for it.

"Fine. I guess we can do something more BORING like blowing up a hospital if that's what you guys want." The Vulture huffed and turned the key, starting up the car. The other three exchanged a look before The Eagle put his hand on The Vulture's shoulder.

"No, Vulture, we'll be okay." The Eagle reassured, with a smile. He reached down and picked up a Serbu Shorty. "Now let's heist!"

The 1st Bank of Vacuo was a very, very major bank. Not only was it the most used bank in Vacuo, but it was actually the second most in all of Remnant, behind Schnee's Financial Institution based in Atlas.

As expected with the 2nd most used bank on the face of Remnant, security was everywhere. A dozen cameras along with dozens of security guards. With all this protection, you would think they would be safe from any heists, right? That's where The Vulture and Co. come in.

"Everyone on the fuckin' ground!" The Vulture busted open the doors, MP5 in hand. Lt. Honk had managed to eliminate a good chunk of guards with his expertise aim, allowing the crew to easily penetrate the building.

A few people screamed and everyone quickly dropped to the ground. By now, everyone knows who infamous criminal mastermind The Vulture is, so they knew he met business.

The Eagle shut the blinds so any police snipers wouldn't be able to see them once they arrived and Lt. Honk pushed two very large plotted plants in front of the doors so no one would escape. Beefer and Matt walked around, making sure no one would try to be a hero. Anyone who did would be filled with lead before they could do anything.

The heist was going like most were with The Vulture, he got millions of lien, but by the time he got the bags of money, cops had arrived on the scene and now the vulture faunus had to find a way to get him and his crew out of this situation.

Elsewhere, in a small diner in Vacuo sat none other than Ruby Rose. Even though it had happened weeks ago, she still couldn't believe her best friend was dead. It all happened so fast.

Ruby sat and sipped her coffee quietly, staring into space. Her grey eyes that were once filled with innocent optimism now were replaced with despair and hopelessness.

"Miss? Miss, are you alright?" A waitress had approached the table and was concerned with her staring at nothing for several minutes. Ruby let out a small gasp and nodded. The waitress placed the bill on the table.

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