Volume 2 Chapter 4: Lieutenant Honk, Reporting for Duty!

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Déjà Vu is one word that could describe The Eagle and The Vulture's morning as once again they found themselves staring outside at a grown man in a clown mask. The only difference was instead of standing and eating jelly beans, Lt. Honk was doing pushups...and eating jelly beans.

"I'm still confused on where he keeps getting jelly beans from." The Eagle wondered aloud, causing to The Vulture to snap at him.

"Will you shut the fuck up about jelly beans?! Look at him, he is the most physically fit out of all us. If used correctly, he could be a fatal factor." At this moment, Lt. Honk noticed the two and waved while still doing pushups with one hand.

"Okay, now he is just showing off." The Eagle muttered and rolled his eyes. The Vulture sighed before taking  an airhorn out of his pocket to wake up the other two. Seeing this, The Eagle quickly covered his ears as he the Matt Demon and Beefer Sutherland jumped up from their beds. The Vulture leaned his head out the window to call Lt. Honk inside.

The leader gathered his mates to the small table to discuss the plan for the day. "Alright everyone, it's been a few days since we did our last job with Honk settling in, so I figured we should do another heist. And now that we have a new member with extraordinary aim, I say we go for bigger fish. Specifically, here." The Vulture explained, pointing on a map to one of the major cities of Vacuo named Toriés.

Everyone, except Lt. Honk since he had no grasp on reality, gasped. "Woah, are you sure we're ready for that?" Matt Demon asked. The Vulture smiled and put his hand on Lt. Honk's shoulder.

"Well with a sharpshooter like Honk, we should be just fine." The Vulture said with utmost confidence. With that, the quintet got their masks on and mounted their ATVs, with Beefer and Matt riding on one.

The drive to the bank took roughly an hour and the group parked a few blocks away. Passerby gave them looks because, simply put, not everyday do you see a group of 5 people riding into town on four ATVs and in various odd masks.

The group went into an alleyway across the street from the bank. The streets were fairly quiet as 3 guards stood outside the bank with machine guns, catching wind of the bank robbery in the small town just a few days earlier.

The Vulture handed Lt. Honk a USP .45 with a silencer and told him to take out the three guards.

"What? They are roughly 30 yards away and you give him a pistol?" The Eagle questioned his leader, but the plan worked out as Lt. Honk had hit all three with perfect accuracy. There was a scream and the 5 ran over to the bank and began the standard holdout. What they didn't plan for was the police arriving withing mere minutes, giving them no time.

"Alright boys, strap in. This is gonna be a long one." The Vulture said, handing each of them a different SMG.

In Mistral, Weiss and Ruby were in a hotel room Weiss had rented for the night. Weiss was sitting on the bed while Ruby got ready in the bathroom. The news was on the television, though neither of them paid attention. That was until the infamous Vulture was mentioned.

"Yes, it seems that The Vulture and Co. are back at it, robbing Toriés Central Bank. Police are on the scene right as we speak trying to talk The Vulture out." The reported said and Ruby came out of the bathroom ready.

"Alright, let's go." Ruby said and walked out the room with Weiss right behind. As the Schnee checked out at the front desk, the Rose pulled the car up to the door, waiting for her to come out and get in.

It was a three hour drive to Toriés, but Ruby's enthusiasm to catch the Vulture cut that down to two hours. The two arrived on the scene, but in standard fashion they were stopped from entering the bank to face The Vulture head on.

"Let us pass! We have to stop them!" Ruby argued with one of the officers, who held her back with one arm.

"Listen, we are on it. We have every escape covered, just let us do our work and they'll be behind bars." The officer told Ruby.

"Come on, Ruby." Weiss said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "If we distract them, they could escape."

"B-But we have to do something!" Ruby countered, stomping her foot.

"We can, we'll watch as the culprits are arrested. We've done all we've could, it's up to the Force now." Weiss said.

Back in the bank, everyone besides The Vulture and Honk are freaking out. They've been in sticky situations before, but nothing like this. The only thing that beats it is when their compound was raided.

"What are we gonna do? We can't get in a gunfight with that many cops!" The Eagle said, frantically pacing back and forth.

"Everyone calm down! We can get out of this just let me think." With that, the members looked at him. The Vulture closed his eyes, coming up with plans to escape. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes.

"Alright." He said, as their eyes lit up with hope. "I got it." The Vulture stated, taking the magazine out of his MP5.

Weiss and Ruby watched nervously, even though nothing had happened for half and hour. Then, The Vulture with his mask on stumbled out. Seeing the MP5, the cops immediately fired on him, killing him.

Ruby gasped in shock, though she wasn't upset. In fact, she was ecstatic. The man who had killed her sister and best friend had been gunned down. Her relief changed to confusion as Matt Demon, Beefer, and The Eagle all ran out, mask on, waving their hands frantically.

The officers ordered them to put their hands up, which they did. They approached the The Eagle and roughly ripped his mask off only to reveal a female bank teller with duct tape over her mouth.

Ruby's heart sank as one by one their masks were taken off to reveal each one to be a bank teller, including "The Vulture" who was an innocent man they had gunned down.

Meanwhile, the real Vulture and Co. were on the roof of the bank. Lt. Honk was the only one with his mask on, since it wasn't revealed he was part of their crew yet. The quintet ran across rooftops until they got to the building they had parked their ATVs next to and climbed down the ladder to them. With that, The Vulture had escaped another grim situation, this time without the fatality of a crew member.

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