Volume 1 Chapter 3: The Force

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So for this chapter I'm going to do some development with the protagonists (RWBY, JNPR, CFVY). The Vulture nor his crew will be present in this chapter besides in reference from other criminals.

Ruby Rose found herself stressed beyond belief. After being the youngest graduate from Beacon Police Academy, she found herself with a whole lot of unwanted attention. It was to the point that if any criminal managed to evade police force for as something as simple as jaywalking, all fingers would point at her.

Not to mention her mother, Summer Rose, was one of the best officers to ever walk the face of Remnant and everyone was constantly comparing the young Rose with her predecessor.

And to make matters worth, there was a new group of criminals committing a litany of crimes around Vale. A vulture faunus, cleverly named 'The Vulture', being the leader of them had managed to lead his "team" toescape the clutches of the law everytime.

"Another murder was committed in Vale last night." Reporter Lisa Lavender interrupted the frustrated officer's thoughts. "The headless body of Sage Ayana was found on the sidewalk on Crown Street. The suspects are believed to be The Vulture and his crew, as one of the members, Matt Demon, is seen on the ATM security footage. The group's whereabouts are unknown at the moment. Chief of Police Coco Adel had this to say about the situation."

Ruby listened intently as her eyes locked on the small TV screen. The scene changed to show her boss Coco standing in front of a podium with Assistant Chief Velvet Scarlatina. Coco had her shades on, but she had visible sweat beads forming on her forehead while Velvet's face was red. It was obvious the duo was nervous.

"Uh, w-we will find the criminals responsible for this heinous act and they will be brought to justice!" Coco exclaimed, though she didn't even sound confident in her own words. The media was relentless, asking question after question. It was Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's half sister, who snapped her attention from the TV.

"Something wrong, Sis?" The blonde bombshell asked, concerned by the stress present on Ruby. Yang was always protective of her little sister and wanted to keep her safe at all times.

Ruby put on a fabricated smile in return. "Nope. Just having some trouble with this paperwork." She tapped a small stack of papers next to her.

Yang eyed her suspiciously before shrugging and walking away. She knew something was up, but she also knew it was useless to try and draw it out of her sister. "Okay, just let me know if you need help." She called back.

The red haired girl gave a small nod in response before looking over the papers. It wasn't actually paperwork, instead it was everything she could find on The Vulture and Co. There was only 5 pages, and four of them were completely filled with the different crimes they committed from their first one three months ago.

The last page was all of their names. Unfortunately, their names were what everyone knew them as. The Vulture, Taco Man, The Eagle, and Matt Demon along with with pictures of them. Every picture was very poor quality, since they were normally taken from people's scrolls in the dark or from security cameras.

All except one. The picture was of The Vulture back when he was a Freshman in high school, which was the last time he attended a school of any kind.

Ruby sighed heavily and rubbed her temple. After a few minutes she stood up and walked up to Pyrrha's office, who was in charge while Coco and Velvet were out.

"Pyrrha? May I come in?" Ruby stopped herself from barging in like she had done several times before. There was a small pause before Pyrrha's voice was heard.

"Yes." She simply answered. Ruby opened the door to Pyrrha giving her a small smile. While she had a gentle nature, she was a force to be reckoned with in combat, something Ruby had learned a lot during her four years at the Academy. Ruby took a deep breath before speaking.

"I was wondering if I could takeover The Vulture case?" She winced as she asked this, as the notorious criminal was assigned to Pyrrha herself. Many would have saw this as an insult, as it betrayed a lack of faith, but Pyrrha was beyond relieved. While Ruby was the youngest officer, Pyrrha was the most skilled by far, so Coco assigned her more cases than anyone else. Plus, she had no info on The Vulture at all.

"That would be fine. Though I would reccomend getting some help." She said, giving a closed eyed smile. Now, Ruby had grown up a lot, but once in awhile her childish nature would slip through, so it wasn't too surprising when she reacted by giving a small squeal and dashing over to hug the taller red head. "Thank you, Pyrrha! I won't let you down!" She exclaimed before dashing out of the office, leaving Pyrrha giggling to herself at Ruby's antics.

Ruby was wildly running around the HQ, though it was aimless. She knew exactly who she was looking for. She finally found Weiss, or Ice Queen, whatever you want to call her. The Heiress was carrying stack of papers, which was dropped when Ruby startled her. Weiss, like Ruby, had also grown. She wasn't one for outbursts anymore like she was when she first joined Beacon PA. However, she didn't refrain from being passive aggressive or insulting people.

"Ruby Rose. Still childish as ever." She huffed and gathered the papers. While she was still somewhat of, for lack of better word, a bitch to Ruby, they were best friends. Even though Weiss would never admit it.

"Gah, sorry!" She quickly apologized and helped pick up the papers and handed them to her former partner. Now they were just coworkers, but at Beacon they were partners for four years.

Weiss sighed and shook her head, standing back up and sorting out the papers. "It's-It's fine. What do you need?" She asked, holding the papers down by her side.

"Well, Uhm, Pyrrha let me have The Vulture case and I was wondering if you wanted to help me, like old times?" She said, sheepishly rubbing her arm. Weiss eyes widened before going back to normal, her lips parted to say something, but stopped, making sure to be careful with her words. She let out another small sigh before beginning to speak.

"Ruby, I know you're talented. But The Vulture? Pyrrha couldn't even get him in custody." She pointed out. Weiss did care about Ruby and she didn't want to hurt her, but she also had to be realistic. There was a very, very slim chance that they would actually catch the criminal or his goons, even if they spent their whole lives trying.

"I know, but we have to try! We can't let them keep terrorizing the citizens of Vale. At the very least we have to try!" Ruby countered, and for once Weiss didn't have anything to say back. Sure, they most likely would never catch him, but it was at least worth a try. Weiss sighed for the last time before speaking again.

"Fine, I'll do it. BUT only for a few months. I don't want to spend my entire career on one criminal!" Weiss told her, crossing her arms.

"Yay, Weiss is on board!" She pumped her fists in the air in triumph. Weiss couldn't help herself from smiling.

"So, where do we start?" She asked, feeling a little more confident that they may actually succeed. Though, when Ruby nervously laughed and bit her fingernails her confidence was completely gone. She put on her signature annoyed face.


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