Volume 1 Chapter 5: Leads

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I know this is getting a little confusing but I'm gonna switch back to Ruby and Weiss here. This chapter is going to focus on them trying to delve deeper into The Vulture case.

Ruby dragged Weiss from her desk, despite her protests, down the stairs and to the front door. Weiss wasn't quite ready to leave yet, with bags present under her eyes showing a lack of rest. Ruby on the other hand had been ready to start on the case since yesterday.

"Hey Rubes!" A voice called from the Secretary's desk. Ruby turned around with a small smile that was a little forced due to her being antsy to leave.

"Oh, hey Jaune." She greeted in a soft voice. Midway through his first year at the Academy, Ozpin has found out he had faked his credentials to get in. However, he did appreciate how determined the boy was so he made arrangements and got him a job as a secretary.

"What's on the agenda?" Jaune asked, attempting to make small talk. Since he was pretty dense, he didn't notice how she wanted to leave.

"Oh, me and Weiss-" Ruby started, but was soon interrupted by her partner.

"Weiss and I." The heiress corrected, Ruby responding with an eyeroll.

"Well, Weiss and I are going to do some investigating into The Vulture case!" She replied cheerily. Jaune's face showed confusion and she knew why so she almost immediately answered. "Pyrrha said I could do the case." She quickly explained.

"Ah, well don't let me stop you!" He said before turning his attention back to his computer. Most people assume he would be working, but in reality he is just playing a game.

Ruby ran to her car, still dragging Weiss by her arm. The white haired female cursed and shook her off, dusting herself off after she finally let go. "Where are we going first?" She asked Ruby, crossing her arms.

"Where the most recent murder took place." Ruby told her, getting into the driver's seat. Weiss nodded showing she understood and climbed into the passenger's seat.

Within 15 minutes they were at the spot where the banker, or Sage, was assassinated. It was mostly cleaned up, except for a large blood stain on the side of the ATM Machine. The sight made Ruby gag.

"You're gonna have to get use to this stuff." Weiss said, standing next to her. Though, she would be lying if she said it didn't make her feel a little queasy. Ruby nodded in response and began looking around. "What are you looking for?"

Ruby shrugged in return and got on the floor, looking under the machine with a small flashlight. "Huh." Is the only sound she made as she spotted and picked up a small business card.

She stood up and took a close look at the card. Weiss leaned in to take a peek at it. Both officers began to smile; they finally had some help.

On the card was a picture of The Vulture with two thumbs up and a grin. The text on it explained how he and his crew was willing to do from delivering drugs to committing murder for cash. There was no location of their base, but there was a phone number.

"Well, this is convenient." Weiss said, crossing her arms. "Who in their right mind would do this?"


"Hey, Vulture!" Taco Man jumped on the couch next to his leader, causing the faunus to jump and let out a scream.

"Gah! What do you want Taco Man?" The Vulture asked, a little bit of irritation present in his voice.

"I made more business cards!" He said excitedly, waving a stack of small index cards with The Vulture on it.

"Oh coo- wait, what the hell are you talking about?" The Vulture asked, very concerned. Taco Man doing something without any supervision made for bad times.

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