Volume 1 Chapter 10: Changed

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2 more chapters after this!

The next few days of Pyrrha's and Ruby's lives was helping the Arc family plan and pay for the funeral. Naturally chosen for this task since they were Jaune's closest friends. The funeral ended up being scheduled the following Saturday after his death.

The funeral was, well like most funerals, depressing as shit. Especially hearing the sobs of not only his mother, but his seven sisters as well. His dad even let a few tears roll down his cheek as well.

Before Jaune was sent underground to finally be laid to rest, almost everyone attending the service had something to say about him. Whether it be a funny anecdote to try and lift the mood or just telling everyone how nice he was. Which was something everyone there knew.

The following week had drastic effects on the two redheads. Pyrrha was mainly just devastated and depressed. She came into work nonetheless, but only did desk work. Not busting crimes.

At any given time, anyone could go into her office and see fresh tear stains on the spartan's face. The morale around the station was at an all time low.

Ruby was devastated as well, but did a better job of hiding it. In return, she was not the playful and cheery Ruby we know and love, instead replaced by a more cynical and serious one.

This is attributed to two things. One obviously being Jaune's passing. The other is the lack of leads to where The Vulture may be located.

Weiss was the first to notice when the young Rose wasn't dragging her to the car for their daily patrol. In fact, Weiss had to practically drag Ruby, something the Rose was not happy about.

And that brings them here. A weirded out Weiss driving while a grumpy and pissed off Ruby sat in the passenger's seat. The ride was filled with nothing but silence, which was admittedly a nice change of pace for the Schnee, since these rides were usually filled with Ruby's neverending banter.

"So," Weiss finally broke the silence after 15 whole minutes. "Where exactly do you want to go?" She asked. Usually, Ruby was driving and would take them to wherever she thought was the best spot to start their search for the winged faunus.

Ruby bit the inside of her cheek, trying to think of where she wanted to start. Her mind was too clouded for her to pick a specific spot, so she decided to just name a general area and hope to get lucky.

"The slums." Ruby finally said, causing Weiss to almost choke on the latte she was drinking. Police never went into the slums, no matter what was going down. There could be hundreds of children held hostage there and you would be lucky if you were even dignified a response by the badge.

"The slums?! Are you insane?!" Weiss shrieked, causing Ruby to cover her ears and glare at her.

"You got anywhere better to start our search, princess?" Ruby snapped at her, leaving Weiss wide eyed. Ruby had never snapped at her. Weiss just sighed and typed in the directions for a street on the slums.

The drive went by too fast for Weiss, as they arrived in under ten minutes. She could feel the glares of the varying criminals that inhabited the slums.

Ruby was unaffected, immediately leaving the car. She leaned against and returned the glare to the criminals who passed her. Eventually a very muscular man approached her, tattoos scattered on his arms and face, and possibly his torso. Though, it was covered by his shirt so you couldn't be sure.

"What are you doing out here, pig?" The man said in a gruff and deep voice. Ruby scoffed and ignored him, angering the hardened criminal. "Hey, bitch, I'm talking to you!" He said, roughly grabbing her arm. Weiss was about to exit the car and help her partner, when suddenly Ruby flipped him over her head onto the car.

The man groaned in pain after colliding with the steel of the vehicle. Though, it wasn't over yet. Ruby walked over, an extremely menace aura surrounding her. She forcefully grabbed a handful of hair and repeatedly slammed his head on the car while Weiss watched from the inside in fear. None of the other criminals went to help, too frightened by the strength and mental state of the young office.

Finally, after roughly 20 seconds, she let up, the man's once intimidating face beaten into a bloody pulp. She leaned into his ear. "Listen, you're gonna tell me what I want to know or this will feel like a walk in the park compared to what I do to you if you don't cooperate." She threatened, whispering into his ear. The man nodded. "Where is the Vulture?"

The man didn't bother trying to act tough, immediately ready to give information. "I-I don't know! All I know is he goes to Raine Avenue every couple of days!" He confessed rather quickly. Ruby patted his head and picked him up.

"Good boy. Now get the hell out of here." Ruby commanded the large man, who left as fast as he could. Ruby got in the car, while a very frightened Weiss started the car, driving to the said location of where The Vulture might be.

Speaking of The Vulture, him and his crew were in a bit of a pickle at the moment. See, Cinder didn't exactly take the last meeting between the two gangs too well.

In fact, she was hellbent on destroying them since they weren't interested in being her pawns anymore. So hellbent, the two gangs were actually in a shoot off in a field with several rocks to use as barriers.

The Vulture had a few differences from Mrs. Fall, however. For one, he was battling at the very front. Leaping around and dodging and distributing bullets while his team shot at them. Cinder, on the other hand, preferred being in the very back, outside the combat zone, commanding her pawns.

One other thing was she told her gang to stay at their barriers and shoot. Meanwhile, The Vulture and Co. were constantly moving from rock to rock, making it impossible to know where the were.

Emerald had been shot in the arm, Mercury also in the arm, and a bullet skinned Roman's face, though they were still forced to fight. The only injury The Vulture's team suffered was Beefer, who accidentally shot himself in the foot as soon as the battle started and was immediately patched up and told to rest in the Fuckmobile.

The battle had been going on for an hour now and it was clear The Vulture was winning. It took The Vulture landing a shot on Cinder's leg for her Faction to finally pull out.

But this wouldn't be the last time these two face off. And the next time would provide at least one casualty.

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