Volume 1 Chapter 8: Rising Tensions

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Sorry in advance, this will be a relatively short chapter. Don't fret, the next one will be the normal length of 1000-1500 words, while this one will be most likely 500-700 words. Enjoy!

The Vulture gave a light knock on the door. Waiting to enter until he got the confirmation. "Come in!" Called a voice from inside. One-by-one The Vulture and his crew filed in, including newest member Beefer Sutherland.

Sitting in front of them was a conference table and on the opposite side of the door was the five leaders of the Fall Faction, which consisted of Cinder, Roman, Neo, Emerald, Mercury. While it was the first official meeting between the two gangs, The Vulture knew why they were here.

"The Vulture, Eagle, Taco Man, Matt Demon, and who are you?" Cinder shook each of their hands as she said their names.

"I'm Beefer Sutherland." The new member introduced himself.

"Oh, I get it! Cause you're wearing a Burger hat!" Mercury pointed out, earning himself finger guns and a 'Bingo!' from Beefer.

"Riiiight. Well, can I offer you fine gentlemen snacks?" Cinder asked in a polite voice that was obviously fake. She set down a plate of crackers and cheese.

Despite the offer, The Vulture sat arms crossed. "Uh, no thanks we're goo-" He was interrupted by the loud and obnoxious eating of the other four members. The leader rubbed his temple in frustration. "Damnit."

"Now, let's discuss business, shall we?" Roman Torchwick cut in, trying to speed this up. Cinder gave him a stern glare in response.

"Forget it, assholes. We're not joining you. I don't care how many times you've saved us, we decided this long ago." The Vulture told them. Cinder had to calm herself down, though it was evident she was pissed.

"Now, The Vulture, be reasonable. How much will this really affect you?" Cinder said in the same calm tone, but there was an edge to it.

"Well, for one, I don't wanna work under your despotic ass." The Vulture said, not even bothering to look at her, opting to check his fingernails instead.

Cinder gritted her teeth. She was close to cracking. One big push could lead to her lashing out. She always had a hot temper.

"Two, I don't wanna give you 25% of what I worked for." The Vulture knew what he was doing. It's not he trying to prove anything, he just wanted to piss her off, especially how irritating she had been with trying to merge the two gangs.

"And frankly, you are all idiots." The Vulture simply stated. Whether it was true or not he didn't care, he really just wanted to push her.

Was he an asshole? Definitely.

Did she deserve it? Kinda.

Cinder let out a low, primal growl, as if she were a tiger in the wild. There was a few tense moments before she finally spoke up. "Get the fuck out!"

"Well boys, I think that was delightful!" The Vulture said in a cheerful tone. At the moment, they were taking a nice drive through the country.

"You think they're mad at us?" Taco Man asked from the backseat. The Vulture looked at him from the front mirror, thinking for a second.


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