Volume 1 Chapter 12: The Raid

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Here we go! The finale for the First Volume! I'm thinking I'm going to take a week or two break before starting the Second Volume. Stay tuned.


The alarm made the most heinous sound, waking up The Vulture and his crew. The five took their time before actually getting up, performing their respective mourning routines. Brushing their teeth, combing hair, adjusting wings, etc.

After a quarter of an hour, the quintet gathered in the kitchen, taking the seat at the large, round table, excluding The Vulture, who grabbed a few pans and turned on the stove.

Popping bread in the toaster and bacon in one pan, he prepared another one for the eggs. Only, when he looked in the fridge, there was no more egg cartons left.

"Damnit. Alright, I'm gonna go get some eggs." The Vulture huffed and walked down the stairs, grabbing the keys to the Fuckmobile off the wall and walking out the door, whistling an upbeat toon.

And after seeing an entire squadron  of Vale Police, he made a complete 180 and walked back inside, still whistling.

"Woah, you're back from getting eggs already?" Matt Demon asked, peering his head from the top of the staircase. The Vulture walked right past him.

"Nope! But we do have another problem on our hands." The Vulture stated, walking to the weapon room and literally taking out every single gun and laying it on the floor. "Pick one."

"What's going on?" Taco Man asked, as the rest walked in. His response was just The Vulture pointing at the several guns. Taco just sighed and picked up an MP5.

The Eagle grabbed an M24. Matt Demon took the standard AK47. Beefer Sutherland picked up the KRISS Vector. The Vulture was the last one, choosing a Deagle, his favorite choice of weapon.

"Now will you tell us what these are for?!" The Eagle asked, becoming increasingly worried. The answer was finally revealed when a voice boomed outside.

"Come out with your hands up, Vulture! A-And others!" The voice of Velvet Scarlatina came from a megaphone. The Vulture broke the window with a bullet and yelled back out his response.

"Kiss my ass!" He said as both sides took their positions. Guns aimed at each other, both sides were at a standoff. Finally, after several minutes, Coco gave the orders to fire.

Within minutes, constant gunshots rang in the air. However, most bullets from the VPD were missing due to The Vulture putting bars on the windows and most of The Vulture and Co. were hitting their targets, taking out a huge chunk of their force.

To make matters worse for the VPD, The Vulture had several crates stored that were full of different types of ammo, so the group could constantly restock.

Their plan was to rush and overwhelm them. However, that was foiled when they were gunned down by Matt, Taco, and Beefer since they all had automatic guns, thus resulting in more resources being depleted from Vale Police.

However, it wasn't exactly smooth sailing for The Vulture, since reinforcements just kept coming and coming. Even sandbag barricades were added so the cops were more shielded, with one poking out to get a shot.

"This isn't looking good." Yang commented before standing up and firing a few shots, all missing or hitting the bar.

"Nope, but we can't let then flee!" Ruby replied, standing up and firing a few shots herself, missing as well. Coco gritted her teeth and stood up, only for a bullet to penetrate her shoulder.

"Fuck!" Coco cursed and fell to the ground. The rabbit faunus immediately rushed to her aid, along with a medic who began to work on her bloodied shoulder.

"I got the chief! Bonus points!" The Vulture said, continuing to fire out the window.

The said Chief let out hissed in pain as the bullet was extracted from her arm. It wasn't exactly painless, as there was no painkillers/anesthesia and with bullets whizzing over their heads, it was hard to keep the tweezers steady.

Eventually, the bullet was finally extracted. Now that it was finally out of her arm, the two helped Coco back so they could stay out of the combat zone.

She wasn't the only important character injured either, as Weiss' cheek was skimmed by a bullet, causing the Schnee to retreat back as well.

"Got her-" Taco Man cut himself off with a gasp as he fell to the floor, a bullet in his chest, which was fired by Blake.

"Shit!" The leader said as The entire crew rushed over, but the Vulture told The Eagle and Matt to go back. The Vulture lifted his head off the ground, as blood was beginning to leave his body fast. Beefer removed Taco Man's mask, his face becoming steadily pale.

"Beefer, go get the first aid-" The Vulture was in the middle of an order when Taco stopped him.

"No. Beefer, get the Jerry can from the weapons room." Taco Man said through groans of agony. Before The Vulture could protest, Beefer was already back with the can.

"What are you doin-" The Vulture was once again cut off. Taco Man gave him a weak smile, causing The Vulture to sigh and nod, letting Taco continue.

"Pour it from here to the generator and hand me a match. Vulture, go make a rope out one of the back windows." Taco Man was giving orders as he bled out, and the two were quick to do their tasks.

"Leave your weapons there, it'll buy as some time. And go!" Taco Man said as The Eagle and Matt Demon did as instructed.

"We're not leaving you here!" The Vulture argued, but Taco waved him off.

"If you take me, I'll just be dead weight- literally!" Taco Man yelled, before quieting his voice. "Please. Go." The Vulture opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it. One by one, the other three climbed down the rope, leaving The Vulture and Taco Man. "See you on the other side, Vulture." He smiled at his leader for the last time, who in turn gave a salute before climbing out.

By then, the police had figured out they had stopped shooting and a small squad, led by Yang, held a battering ram. After a count to three, they busted the door down and rushed up the stairs, just in time to see an almost dead Taco Man throw a lit match onto the gasoline, igniting a trail.

They tried to rush out, but as they were almost down the steps, the fire had reached to the generator. In the blink of an eye, the entire compound exploded with the officers inside.

Right as they were about to make it into the treeline, what remained of The Vulture and Co. looked back to see the explosion. They shared a look before running into the woods, not stopping until the smoke wasn't visible.

On the other side stood a shell shocked police force. Ruby was processing it, before falling to her knees. Sobbing from the sudden and overwhelming death of her beloved sister.

And there it is! The end of Volume 1! I hope you all enjoyed, and stay tuned because in a week or two, the Second Volume starts.

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