Volume 2 Chapter 2: Back in Business

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The Vulture gathered his team from their cots to the table. It felt less necessary now that it was only ten feet away, but old habits die hard I guess?

Beefer, Matt Demon, and The Eagle all took their respective seats, waiting for The Vulture to speak. Meanwhile, their leader was trying to formulate the right words, something very out of the ordinary since the vulture faunus was used to saying speeches right on the spot.

"Alright, listen fellas. I know it's hard, without a crucial member to move on, but we have to do something. It sounds insincere, but we can't just fall into obscurity! We have to do another job..." The Vulture said, finishing his small speech and anxiously waiting on their response. After a few seconds, he got one.

"Aye!" The affirmation came from his right hand man, The Eagle, who raised a cheaply made glass with whiskey in the air.

Matt Demon did the same, raising his glass. The two clinked their drinks together, the action causing the glasses to straight up shatter in their hands.

The Vulture smiled before turning to Beefer Sutherland. "Beefer, it's all of us or none of us. What do you say?" He asked.

Beefer bit the inside of his cheek, thinking. Even though his brother was dead, he had to move on sometime. And he decided now was the time. "I'll do it!"

The whole group cheered before The Eagle brought up a very relevant issue, ending the small celebration.

"Wait, we don't have the Fuckmobile anymore. How are we gonna escape?" He asked The Vulture. "Because we sure as hell can't outrun those police cars. They go at the fucking speed of light."

"That would normally be an issue, but luckily four assholes with ATVs have been outside for a couple of hours. So we can kill them and take their ATVs." The Vulture explained before grabbing his handy Deagle.

"Sounds like a plan." Matt Demon shrugged as the rest grabbed their handguns and cocked them.

Five minutes later, the quartet was on the road in ATVs that seemed to match them. The Vulture with a plain dark grey one, Matt Demon getting blood red, The Eagle getting an unheard combination of red, white, and blue (in that order), and Beefer's was the color of a hamburger bun.

They arrived at the bank named Golden Dragon Bank. It was a little small, only holding the money of everyone in the small town they were in, also named Golden Dragon.

There was no security guards on the outside and the window allowed them to see only one inside who didn't even have a gun. After walking up the small staircase to the front door, The Vulture busted it down. "Everyone on the floor!"

Back in Vale, Weiss and Ruby sat across from each other in a booth. Currently, they were in a small diner and had just ordered breakfast.

"So, where do we look first?" Weiss asked after taking a sip of coffee. Ruby thought for a moment and shrugged, causing Weiss to sigh.

"Okay, maybe a better question is: do you think they are still in Vale?" Weiss questioned, a relieved when Ruby had an actual answer.

"Nope. While there are many, many places for them to have a new hideout, The Vulture is too smart to stay in the kingdom. And we know for sure he isn't in Atlas, border security is crazy there and they don't let faunus in anyways." Ruby's conclusion satisfied Weiss enough that she didn't ask anymore questions.

Perfect timing as well, since their food arrived just a couple minutes later. The two ate in silence, not attempting to make any kind of small talk, which didn't bother either of them since they had a lot to think about.

The two finished eating rather quickly and waited for the bill, which the Schnee was willing to pay. While they waited, Weiss had another question.

"So, since we crossed out Atlas and Vale, where do we look first? Mistral or Vacuo?" She asked, causing Ruby having a small debate with herself in her head.

"I guess Mistral, since it is smaller and less tolerant of faunus." Ruby concluded as they paid and left, getting into Ruby's car.

The crude irony comes in when the small diner television was switched the new channel, recounting the details of the Golden Dragon Bank being robbed and that The Vulture and Co. was behind it.

Speaking of, The Vulture had managed to evade the police, which was easier since it funded by the small town and the cars were one step away from being broken down. When they got back to their new hideout, AKA The Shit Shack, The Vulture told his crew to park their ATVs in the field next to shack so people wouldn't notice them when they drove by.

When they got back in to The Shit Shack, the quartet was pumped. And as people who are pumped up tend to do, all of them got blackout drunk and went to sleep at 3 in the morning, capping off a successful day.

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