Volume 1 Chapter 9: Back to the Usual Shenanigans

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Back to normal length chapters. Also, Volume finale is coming up soon so the plan is I'll take a break after the finale and then a couple weeks later the first chapter of Volume 2 will come out.

"With lack of proper evidence, we have temporarily suspended the search for The Vulture." Policr Chief Coco Adel announced on live television.

The media began to storm the Chief and her rabbit faunus partner, Velvet. However, they managed to exit quick enough to avoid the barrage of questions.

It has been two weeks since the chase and with no Vulture in custody, the media and the people began to question the legitimacy and competence of the police force. How hard could it be to capture 5 criminals?

Turns out, very. After all, they were masterminds. Right?

"If I put a plastic straw into the air, and I begin sucking on it, am I drinking the air?" Taco Man asked his new bestfriend and brother, Beefer Sutherland.

Beefer responded with a wide open mouth, as if Taco just solved a fucking complex formula.

"Dude, are you a philosopher?" He asked, with absolutely no sarcastic intent at all. For the few weeks he had been there, it seemed that Beefer had looked up to Taco, even though he was the older brother.

"Sometimes I think if I didn't become a criminal, I'd have a bachelor degree and be CIA of a major company." He responded.

"Get ready, dipshits." The Vulture interrupted their very intelligent conversation. The two brothers stood up and turned around to see their leader, Matt, and The Eagle.

"Ready for what, Boss?" Beefer Sutherland asked after giving him a salute. Over the course of a couple of weeks, Beefer had gotten into the habit of calling The Vulture 'Boss' and saluting him when he entered a room. This made The Vulture like the new recruit more and more.

"Well, it was recently announced, and by recent I mean literally 5 minutes ago, that the manhunt on us has been called off!" He ended his announcement with a whoop, that was supported by Matt Demon and The Eagle.

"With that, we can go out and rob and kill shit!" He continued, which got a whoop out of everyone. "Now, Beefer, do you have any weapons?" He asked.

The recruit responded by pulling a nailed bat and a .44 Magnum from wherever and waving them around. The Vulture gave a thumbs up before the now quintet piled into the beloved Fuckmobile.

"Even though we are temporarily in the clear, I say we avoid going into the city." The Eagle said, as the occupants of the car, minus Beefer, put on their masks. Well, hat for Taco Man.

"Yeah, rob something on the outskirts would be a better move." The Vulture agreed and nodded at Matt Demon to find a small grocery store or gas station.

"Damn, you guys work in sync! And is it a problem if I don't have a mask?" Beefer asked The Vulture, putting a hand on his seat.

"Normally, yes. But since you aren't an infamous criminal, you should be fine." The Vulture explained to the newbie, who sighed in relief.

Eventually, Matt found a small gas station about 30 minutes away from the city, which would make it hard for police to make it on time. Grabbing their firearms, the quintet entered the building, with The Vulture immediately firing a bullet into the ceiling, accidentally hitting a roof installer.

"Whoops. Anyways, EVERYBODY ON THE FUCKING GROUND THIS-THIS IS A STICK UP THIS IS A HOLD UP OR WHATEVER." The Unprepared Vulture yelled at the customers inside.

The manager wasn't so cooperative, though. Immediately pulling out a 12 gauge and firing it at the five, who quickly scattered. Luckily, they barely avoid fire.

The shop owner fired another shot at Taco Man, who just barely dodge it by ducking behind an aisle shelf. He returned fire, skimming his shoulder.

The shop owner was injured, but not enough to put him 6 feet under. Well, that was until Taco Man fired another shot into his skull.

The Eagle ran up, emptying the cash register. It wasn't much, only around 500 lien, but it was still something. The criminals quickly fled the scene and drove off after the wildly successful robbery.

"That was amazing! The rush, the adrenaline! It's all coming back to me!" An excited vulture faunus exclaimed to his team.

"Yeah! That was amazing! What are we doing now? Going home?" Beefer asked from the backseat. The Vulture scoffed and shook his head, confusing Beefer.

"Are you kidding? We just started! We can't finish the night without a hit!" The leader explained to him, turning into the street leading to the crime-filled slums mentioned a few chapters back.

After wandering a few blocked they finally encountered an interested customer. A sketchy man who looked like your average methhead. Beard stuble, red rings around his eyes, buzz cat, what have you.

"H-Hey, you guys! You d-do hits, right?" The methhead asked The Vulture, twitching nonstop and shaking. Yeah, this guy was definitely on some shit. The Vulture nodded, giving the guy the go ahead to continue.

"There's this-this guy, Jaune Arc, secretary at VPD. I-I need him dead!" He said, holding out a stack of lien. The Vulture snatched it from him and counted it, totaling at 50,000 lien.

"Alright, we'll do it. Give me a picture of the guy." The methhead reached into his pocket and gave him a crumpled up picture of the target.

The Vulture unfolded the picture and examined it. It was a blonde man, a little on the weak side. No wonder he was a secretary. "This will be easy." The Vulture said and the methhead gave him a thumbs up and walked away.

Later that night, about 11 PM, Jaune's shift was finally over. He left the building and locked the door behind him. It took him around 3 minutes of searching the parking lot for his car when he finally remembered he had parked it down the block that morning to let Pyrrha have the last spot.

The young blonde whistled as he was approaching the end of the block. What happened next he would never seen coming. A man with large wings came from the shadows of the alley, Desert Eagle in hand, and fired at his stomach.

Jaune's eyes widen as soon as the bullet penetrated to the skin. He fell to the floor, in tremendous pain and finally got a good look at his murderer. It was, of course, The Vulture.

"P-Please! I'll do anything! Don't kill me!" Jaune pleaded for his life, tears brimming at his eyes. The Vulture frowned and shook his head.

"Hey, don't take this personal, man." The Vulture responded, aiming the barrel at his head.

The gunshot rang out in the silent night. As quick as he came, The Vulture was gone, fleeing the crime scene.

It was early the next morning when Ruby clocked in, though for some reason there was a good chunk of people there. Ruby shrugged it off and stepped out of the car with a big smile. It had been a rough couple of weeks for Ruby, but she was certain today was going to be a good day!

Walking into the police station, she immediately noticed something off. Jaune wasn't at his desk, even if it was early he would normally be there. Once again, she just shrugged it off. Although she did have a weird feeling in her stomach, she was certain today was going to be a good day.

Ruby got to the top of the steps and her heart dropped. Weiss, Blake, Yang, Coco, and Velvet were all crowded around a sobbing Pyrrha. Pyrrha was the strongest woman she had known behind her mother, she would never expect to see her cry. But once again, Ruby shrugged it off. It might not be something too bad, maybe a string of little things. Today was gonna be a good day, right?

"What's wrong, Pyrrha?" Ruby asked her friend and secret role model. Pyrrha looked up at her, fresh tears still on her face. This caused Ruby's chest to feel tightened up. The spartan's answer confirmed her fears.

"Jaune is dead!" She said, hysterically before pulling Ruby into an embrace.

Today wasn't going to be a good day.

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