Volume 3 Chapter 1: Seasick

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One Year Later...

It had officially been a year since The Vulture and Co's heist that had gone south. Really south. Thanks to the young Rose, who, while she didn't fulfill her main goal of finally murdering the vulture faunus, had succeeded in murdering not only one, but two of his crew members, leaving only three people left in the crew and sending them into hiding.

Naturally, police from all four of the main nations had spent weeks- months searching every corner of their kingdoms for the most wanted men in all of Remnant. Despite their efforts, each respective Force had came up short, and, eventually, they had given up on their search for the Vulture, meaning he had gotten away. Again.

It didn't help that fake tips to where they had last been spotted were continously called in, mostly the work of various criminals who wanted to see their fellow fugitives escape the law, wasting time and resources. It was a huge contributing factor as to why they had collectively given up on finding the Vulture and Co. It was hard to search new places when you were constantly being told they were in place you had already searched.

While this answers the question on if or if not The Vulture and Co. had escaped law enforcement, there was still one question on everyone's mind. Where were they? It would, no doubt, be hard to remain unseen when you were consistently the topic of conversation. So, where did The Vulture, The Eagle, and Matt Demon end up?

It's simple really. They couldn't hide on land, so they went to the sea.

"What the fuck? How are we already out of food?" The voice of the tall criminal we all know and love as The Vulture called up to his two subordinates up on the deck, irritation heavily present in his tone as he dug through the mostly barren cupboards.

This boat had been prepared for quite a bit now, before, well pretty much everything. Before the failed heist, before Taco Man's unfortunate demise, before The Vulture's rise to fame, he and the crew had built this boat as a backup plan in case things got dire as they were now. Including being stocked with food that was supposed to last them five years, yet here we are. A year later and the food was pretty much all gone.

"Oh, yeah, Taco Man was in charge of the food and he, um, got a lot of perishables. We had to throw a lot out a few months ago." His second-in-command called back in response, causing the winged leader to roll his eyes with a groan and facepalm.

"Fuckin' idiot...may Oum rest his soul." The Vulture muttered to himself, grabbing a can of baked beans that would serve as his dinner for the night, grabbing a can of carrots and one of corn for Matt Demon and The Eagle before heading up on deck.

A few minutes later, the three remaining members of The Vulture's crew were eating around a small lantern, mostly in silence aside from the occasional comment about this weather they were having from Matt.

This is how most days were now for The Vulture and Co. No more jokes, no more shenanigans of any sorts. Just sad boat times. Hell, they were barely even a crew anymore, scarcely speaking to each other throughout the day. Unsurprisingly, the winged leader hated it when he came to this realization.

He had failed as a leader. His misjudgements had costed the lives of half of his gang members, and drove himself apart from the remaining ones. He didn't even deserved to be called The Vulture anymore. He might as well just jump into the sea, swim to shore, and turn himself in. He didn't deserve to lead them...



Fuck that.

He was the damn Vulture. Had he made some mistakes? Sure. But he was still just as cunning as ever before, and he'd be damned if he let himself and his crew just waste away on this damn boat.

Rising to his feet, the vulture faunus stared out into the horizon, the sun beginning to set and the broken moon getting ready to take its place. He wasn't sure exactly where they were but it didn't matter. They were The Vulture and Co. They were gonna run wherever they were and fuck up every single fucking bank in the kingdom, or die trying. If it was the ladder, you bet your ass they were taking more than a few with them

"Fellas." The Vulture addressed the two, who took their eyes off their cans of food to look up at their leader. The winged faunus took his gaze off the setting sun, lips curling into a grin as it drifted to his two crew member. "It's time to dock this bitch."

After a year long hiatus, I'm finally back. Hopefully y'all enjoyed this chapter. This volume will be pretty short, so I'll make sure the rest of the chapters left in this one will be much longer than this one. Ciao!

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