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Kyla hugged Dontae goodbye and headed to school. She kinda had their mini date in mind but not to much, she was kind of shocked it all happened so many people told her she was ugly in fact so ugly. She had her first class which was music no one really knew she could sing it was like her secret, even her bestfriend didn't know. She got to the class and sat down looking for Mia. But there was no Mia, Mia was the type of girl who didn't give a damnn and I mean it. She could come into school 20 minutes late and wouldn't give a shit she will literally walk in like Naomi Campbell. 15 minutes went by and guess who enter late? Oh you guessed it right it was Mia. She looked so happy like too happy. She went to go sit next to Kyla.

Mia has just thrown herself next to me as if she isn't late. "Mia why are you late?" I asked. "Girl you sound like a teacher. She replied. I laughed. "Anyways I'm late because I got some special dick for my mannn." She said loudly. This girl was wild in fact she was toooo wild for anyones liking but I love her. "Girl what happened , spill the tea sisss." I said while laughing. "Ok girl so basically I woke up late already but if I didn't do what I did I would of came just 5 minutes late. Anyways I'm ready to go and Jayden is putting on his shoes so we can go. We're now in the car going and this nigga is rubbing up on me like I ain't late already. Then he said something like damn baby you look good lemme have a taste." She said screwing her face up. "What did you get?" I questioned. "Girl what do you think. I got the dick , the whole dick , and nothing but the dick." I burst out laughing. I was laughing so hard I started crying. "Girl you are an animal." I said still laughing. "Shutuppp." She said.

Time passed and the lesson came to an end. Time for maths. I thought to myself. I got into maths to see Mia boo'd up with her boyfriend they're so cuteee. So I sat in an empty seat. Then someone came to sit next to me so I looked up to see Dontae. He probably doesn't even know I know his name but who cares. He smiles at me then I look away. He was literally the most beautiful person other than my bsf and grandma I've ever seem before. But I knew we couldn't be a 'couple' because I was way to ugly and out of his league.

"Wassup beautiful" he said. I started blushing and immediately had to look down." Umm...heyyy" I said shyly. He smirked at me. "Are you always shy or just around me" he asked. I giggled at this question like what stupid question is that of course I'm shy with everyone." No it's not only you it's just how I am" I said smiling. He let out a sigh of relief when I said it. "I lowkey thought I was scaring you with my beauty." He said flashing his beautiful set of teeth. "Your not that beautiful trust me." I said laughing. He gasped in shock." Oh no she didn't." He said speaking in a ghetto tone." Oh yes I did siss." I said laughing my ass off. "Damn you right siss , you way more beautiful than me." He said smiling. I was blushing no one had ever really told me that unless they are family." Thank you no one has ever told me that before." I said happily." Damn baby forreal." I nodded my head yes and looked so shocked. The lesson went by really quickly , I spent most of the lesson laughing and telling him to stop copying my answers.
I packed my things away and saw Dontae copying my homework. I quickly took it away and kissed his teeth." Shawty why you gon do that." I laughed and said "My paper my rules". We both laughed and then he pulled me into a hug and whispered "You gon have to stop playing with me baby." I was so confused as to why he always called me baby , ma , shawty etc so I asked him. "I call you them names because you my girl you just don't know it." He said smirking at me. I just smiled.

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~ Naomi💛

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