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"Yo Winnie get your ass up here." I said. I heard steps coming up and went to go unlock the door for Winnie. Dontae opened the door." Why are you here Dontae." I huffed." Yo why you moving like that." He said." Moving like what Dontae?" I asked." Why you have an attitude?" He questioned." I don't have an attitude but now we're on the subject of asking questions , why didn't you tell me Tatiana was here?" I asked." I forgot." He responded." You forgot , Dontae you telling me you forgot people were living in your house. You know I wouldn't feel comfortable with this." I muttered." Ky I said I forgot , she's a better person now." He replied." And what , that's meant to change my mind." I said." Yo you're taking the actual piss now. I said I fucking forgot , there's nothing I can do about it now is there. Tatiana tried looking for you countless times and you're still fucking holding it against her." He shouted." She looked countless times but how many times did she find me." I said." That's not the fucking point Kyla. Get over yourself." He yelled. I got up and got my suitcase then left." Come on Winnie. I'm not staying here , get your bags were staying in my apartment where I won't feel uncomfortable." I said taking my suitcase downstairs." Yo Kyla you just dragging it now." Darnell said." Okay." I responded." If my comfortablity is a problem to you , you've got a problem. I'm tired of not saying anything when people piss me off , cause now people take me as a fool." I said." Don't talk to him like that." Tatiana said." Don't you even start with your shit because I have no time for that. You threw me out of my home and I had to start a new life you don't know what happened to me there before I met Winnie. In a big city you know nothing about. But no , I have to watch my mouth. Tatiana I think the hell not." I said." This bitch testing me." She said tying her hair." This bitch. I'll show you who the bitch is , bitch." I said laughing. She ran over to me and started grabbing my hair. I grabbed her hair and threw the hardest punches to her face. I bent her leg so she fell then I got onto of her still pulling her hair and beating that bitch up , cause she got me all the way messed up. Shawn grabbed me by the waist and took me outside." Weak ass bitch." She yelled." Says the girl who begged me to stop." I responded laughing. Shawn took me outside and placed me inside one of Tae's cars he had the key to." Ky what's going on?" He asked." I don't know." I said breaking down into tears. He pulled me into a hug while rubbing my back." I didn't want to fight her , you know I'm not one for fights. But it's her fault. Those 6 months were traumatizing." I muttered." What happened?" He questioned." Before I met Winnie I was looking for jobs and I looked everywhere. There was an interview I went to and he told me I was a pretty girl and he could let me work if I had...sex with him." I said wiping my eyes." I declined and later found Winnie. Even there it wasn't easy , the manager was always calling me up to his office trying to have a way with me. I nearly got raped and to know this could go been prevented makes me upset. I never had anything against her until she started giving signals of there being a problem. And Dontae didn't make it any easier for me. He already made a mistake when he didn't tell me she was here , but then when I asked him he started shouting at me." I said whilst looking out the window." I use to cut myself and Tae knew that but don't tell him I started again." I said while showing him the cuts." Ky , you know I love you so much but you can't just bottle up your feelings like that. When I see you I wouldn't of thought any of this happened to you. I get what you're saying about her but you need to stop cutting , please." He pleaded. "Okay Shawn. I think I'm going to my parents house now anyway." I added." You want me to drop you off?" He asked." No it's fine." I answered smiling. I went in and collected my stuff and left.
What Kyla told me today really got to me. She's like my little sister and knowing all of this made me realise she's been through hell and back through her relationship with Dontae. Dontae is my bro but there's a limit to some stuff. I got into the house then called Dontae upstairs. As I walked up the stairs I saw him laughing having a good ole time like his girlfriend didn't just have a fight." Yea wassup." He said." I don't like the way you treated Ky today , you're own girlfriend just had a fight and you having a good ole time downstairs. That girl has been through hell and back ever since she got into a relationship with you." I said." Nigga you like Kyla?" He questioned." No she my sister. She told me what really happened when she was away." I said." What happened?" He asked." Men where offering her jobs but to get the job she had to have sex with them. When she met Winnie the manager of that club was also trying to have sex with her. You know I feel about this especially when my mum is a victim of this." I responded , as I listed everything that happened his head dropped." I fucked up." He said rubbing his face." Do you know where she went?" He asked pulling his phone out." She's at her parents crib but I think you should visit her tomorrow , she needs to cool off." I suggested." Thank you Shawn." He said dapping me." Anytime." I said.

Heyyy guysss it's me again. I know it's been a while in fact its been a month and some days , but I cant lie I've been really busy. This chapter was long over due but I'm lazy like that. Anyway I wanted to say thank you for 38.6k readss. It truly means alot. When you guys vote , comment or add to your reading lists it truly makes the difference. I message you guys to say thank you so y'all should look out for a text. I may start editing my book some by the way. But thank you all so much cause y'all really gang🤘🏾 !
Love you all so muchhh💞 !
~Naomi💛 .

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