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Darnell's girlfriend Tatiana or whatever her name is kinda giving me bad vibes, like just the way she looks at me is like she wants to kill me and I haven't even did anything to her. I feel like I should tell Tae but he's gon be like she just warming up to you." Taee." I said walking into our room. Ouuu, by the way Darnell and his girlfriend are staying with us for some time. Greatt." Yes baby." He said from downstairs." Come." I replied. A few seconds later I hear his footsteps coming up the stairs." Yes Ky what you want?" He asked." I want to tell you something." I said whilst taking of my shoes." Ok say it then." He said smirking." Well I wanted to tell you that I don't think the Tatiana girl likes me." I said." And how do you know that?" He asked coming towards me." In McDonald's you should of seen the way she was looking at me. She was rolling her eyes and kissing her teeth at me for no reason." I said getting up." You don't know if she was doing it to you , it could of been for someone behind you." He said." But she looked me in my eyes , I'm not crazy Tae." I said angrily." She just warming up to you, that's all give her time okay." He said hugging me. See, exactly what I said." Yea whatever." I said pushing him away." Why you got an attitude?" He asked. I just ignored him and continued changing. Every time I tell him something like this he's so quick to shut me down, he doesn't even listen to me." I don't even care , have an attitude if you want." He said leaving. I hate him so muchhh. Ughhhh. I went downstairs to get some water and I see them all chatting and laughing. Oh boii their stay is gonna be very long. I made myself something nice to eat because I knew it was gon make them all jealous especially Tae.
I finished making my meal took a can of fanta and made my way up to my room. I saw Tae looking at my plate but I didn't give a damn. If they are hungry Tatiana gotta make then something. A few minutes later Tae bursts into the room and just looks at me." Why you gotta be so petty?" He asked." I don't know what you're talking about." I replied still eating and watching TV." So you gon just act like you ain't do shit." He said angrily. I don't know why the hell he's getting angry , give Tatiana time she's warming up to you, she'll start cooking." I didn't , thats why I don't know what you're talking about." I said still watching TV." Since you wanna act like this fine go ahead, but why ain't you make no one else something to eat?" He asked whilst turning off the TV." We just came back from Macdonald's." I said taking out my phone to start scrolling through Instagram." Ok but you did too, did you not?" He asked." I did, but do you know how to cook , no I didn't think so. I know how to cook so I can do it whenever I like. Whereas you can't so you can't do it whenever you like." I said whilst drinking my fanta." If you can't cook you can't choose when to eat. I can cook so I can choose when I want to eat. Simple." I said placing my drink down." Are you fucking dumb Kyla, who the fuck you think you talking to." He said coming towards me." I mean there's no one else in here so I'll leave it to you to guess." I said eating my food." I'm your girlfriend not your personal chef or slave. If you're so hungry order something." I said getting up and pushing him outta the way so I could go downstairs. As I was walking down I chuckled to myself, I'm not soft anymore. I went into the kitchen and saw Tatiana there just staring at me. I didn't have time so I just washed my plate , took a bottle of water and left. As I was going upstairs Dontae was coming down I looked at him and giggled, silly silly boy. I went into our room and got my phone and laptop and went into one of the guestrooms. I wasn't going to sleep with someone like that, sleeping in the same bed as me is a privilege.
They must of all went to bed and Tae showed them their room and then went to our room. He opened the door and kissed his teeth so loudly I started laughing. I texted Mia telling her about today and fell asleep.
I woke up and was hungry so I brushed my teeth, washed my face and I went downstairs to see Darnell and Tatiana. I said good morning but only Darnell said it back. I went into the kitchen and made some blueberry pancakes. I made some for everyone except Dontae because he said I was being petty so I'll show him petty. I made big ones for me and Darnell and very small ones for Tatiana, that will teach her. I came out with the plates I gave Darnell his and the girlfriend hers she looked at the plate then at me and huffed. I swear I was gonna burst out laughing. I took my plate and went upstairs into my second room and ate.
Tae bursts into my room and just stares at me once again. I didn't even think about looking at him because I knew if I did I would burst out laughing." So you starting with this shit again?" He asked." I don't know what you're talking about." I answered while taking a bite out of my pancake." So you gon continue acting dumb, you made breakfast for everyone except me." He semi yelled." I didn't know you wanted some." I responded." When have I not wanted some?" He asked." Today obviously." I said trying not to laugh. I feel sorry for Shawn, Alex and Jayden because they gon catch his attitude today." Kyla Williams you testing my patience." He said." Dontae Brown I don't care." I said getting up to get some tissue. He kissed his teeth and left. I know he lowkey wanted to slap me, I would want to too.
Hey its ya girl Tatiana, and I'm 20, I'm also Darnell's girlfriend. Yesterday he met his brother blah blah blah. Yes I'm happy he met him infact very happy but Dontae's girlfriend Kyla is what I'm concerned about. This is gonna be a long stay if I don't get rid of her. This morning she gave me some small ass pancakes, that's when the stupid bitch crossed the fucking line. Today we're home alone together, and she didn't come out of her room to say anything to me , like doesn't she know I'm older than her. I called her name like ten before she came downstairs." Yes." She said rolling her eyes." Don't give me that attitude." I said putting her in her place." Don't worry about my attitude in my house okay." She said walking away." Why are you walking away I called you." I said." I walk wherever I like because I pay the bills here, and yes what do you want." She replied smiling. Crazy bitch." Dontae said you should go to the store and do grocery shopping." I said." Ok." She said. She left and went upstairs to get changed, 10 minutes later she came down , gets her key and leaves. My phone started ringing so I picked it up after seeing the caller. " Yes girl she's on her way." I said laughing.

Heyyy guysss , I put this chapter out because I felt generous. I really enjoyed writing this chapter so I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did. Love you all!
~ Naomi🤪

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