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So I woke up this morning and don't know how to feel at this point , like I really just got kicked out off my whole town by a girl that is , well was , temporarily living with me. But that's okay I gotta better things to worry about , I gotta find a job. So I did all my hygiene things , got dressed and headed out.
I've been looking for a job all day and found nun at all. I have one more place to try then I'm giving up. I checked a little diner because I'm pretty use to them so I asked if they were hiring they said yes. They asked questions for about 10 minutes and then ya girl got a job. As I was leaving a girl asked me if I wanted a job so I was like yes please. Normally I don't leave with strangers but I'm desperate. She was brownskin , brown eyes , nice hair. She was like 5"6 and had a nice body. I left the shop with her so she could tell me more about it." So I'm gonna be straight up with you. The job I'm offering is stripping." She said. I just looked at her in complete shock." Are you down with it?" She asked." Umm...yea... sure." I said nervously." Good, don't worry I'll help you. By the way my name is Winnie." She said smiling." My name is Kyla , nice to meet you." I said smiling broadly." You too , follow me so I can take you there and show you around." She said putting her car windows down. We drove around then we pulled up to the place." So this is it." She said laughing. She took me in and showed me around the place and also showed me the girls I'll be working with." Yea , so these are the girls you'll be working with." She said pointing at them. They all smiled and said hey. They were way more nicer than I expected." Its time to meet the manager." She added guiding me towards his office. She knocked and let herself in." I brought a new girl because I think she's up for it. Her name is Kyla." She said." Kyla hmm you look up to the job, pretty and young exactly what we need." He said stroking my cheek. I flinched a little." Don't be scared , I'm not gonna hurt you." He said laughing." Give her one of the new costumes and get her started." He replied. Winnie nodded and took my hand and led me out." He's a total creep , I know." She added whilst laughing. We picked out an outfit of my choice. We both went to the changing room and got changed. Winnie did my hair because she said I looked boring. We finished up and headed out and I saw so many people , I felt a little scared not gonna lie. It's not like I don't know what to do , I know exactly know what to do. Mia taught me because she has a pole in her garage." Its gonna be okay , I'll watch you." She said hugging me. We walked up to the poles and did what we had to do. Loads of money was coming throught. My shift starts at 9 and finished at 12:30 at night because I gotta go to work in the morning. Winnie looked over to me and started smiling , I smiled back. We continued for a while until Winnie took me off." Babygirl where you learn them skills from?" She asked." My friend taught me." I answered. Just then a guy came up to us and tapped on Winnie's shoulder." Yes." She replied." Who's yo little friend?" He asked right in front of me. Men are actually disgusting except Tae, Shawn , Alex and Jayden but like I can actually hear you dumbass." Her name is Kyla and she's my girlfriend." She said." Oh my bad , shawty bad thats all." He said leaving. We looked at each other and burst out laughing. We finished our shift , took the money and went back to the changing room to get our stuff." So where you stay?" She asked." Umm...I just moved here so I stay at a hotel for now." I said." Oh my goshhh , you should move in with me." She said squealing." Really?" I asked completely shocked." Yea totally , when did you move in to the hotel?" She asked taking her car keys out."Yesterday." I responded whilst getting into her car." That means you haven't moved in properly." She added. I nodded and she started squealing." I'll come over to get your stuff tomorrow." She said smiling. She drove me home and I went straight to bed.
So I came home yesterday to no Kyla. I went into our room to see if she maybe wrote down where she went. She left a note on the night stand. It had a few teardrops on it.
"I'm sorry Tae. I'm really sorry for the way I acted lately it was really stupid of me to do that , I know. I wanna tell you but I can't , but all I can say is that Tatiana is part of the reason I left. Please don't forget about me. Tell my parents that I'm sorry too. I took some of the money from the safe I'll pay you back whenever I see , if I ever do. I love you Dontae Brown."
That's what the letter read. I just don't understand why everyone hates me being with Kyla. Like there's always something happening. Now this time I feel like its forreal. Like I can tell I ain't gon see her for a while. She told me that Tatiana doesn't like her and she acts rude towards her and when she told me I brushed her off. There's no way I can find her , she left her sim card next to the letter. Damn I lost my realist one. I walked down stairs and asked Tatiana where Ky was." I don't know she just left and I asked she just started swearing at me so I left her alone." She said looking down. I knew she was lying my Kyla never swears so what she on." So I'll check the camera's and see what really went on. Okay" I said getting my laptop. Darnell was just sitting there looking at me like I was crazy. I got my laptop and connected it to the TV so we can a big view. If she told a lie , which I already know she did , she and him are moving out. I then connected the speakers to the TV aswell. I started playing the video and looked at Tatiana.
"Dontae said you should go to the store to do grocery shopping." Tatiana said in the video." Okay." Ky replied. I paused the video." When did I say that to you?" I asked. She just looked down not saying anything at all." Did I say that to you." I shouted." No." She said crying. I played the video again." Yes girl she's on her way." Tatiana said laughing in the video. I was about to say something but Darnell interrupted me." Who the fuck were you talking to Tatiana." He shouted." Tamia my friend." She said crying." Show me a picture of Tamia." I said because I was thinking its the church hoe and it turned out to be her. After about two hours Kyla came home." I don't want to see you her ever again." She said. When she said that I nearly lost my mind , Darnell had to calm me down. I went upstairs and got her stuff and threw it downstairs." Get out now or you won't like it." I shouted." Tatiana get out." Darnell yelled." I'm sorry." She said lowly looking at me." You think your sorry is going to bring her back." I said calming down." She never did nothing to you but welcome you into our home." I said." I'm dissapointed in you. Kyla didn't do shit to you now you want her gone. I'm sure she wanted you gone but she didn't throw you out." Darnell said whilst staring at her." Who else is involved?" I asked." Tamia , Rochelle and Mia." She said." Mia as in Mia Peter." I said." Yes." She said. I was about to lose my mind." Call them over and act like it's an emergency. Do it now , so stop crying." I said. She called all of them and they said they will be here in 10 minutes.
The door rings and then me and Darnell hide. She opens the door and let's them in." So what's up." Tamia said." Has Kyla gone?" Mia asked." Yes." Tatiana said." Finally." Mia said causing Rochelle to laugh. I had enough I got up and started making my way to where they were. I walked down the stairs and they all stared at me." Keep talking." I said taking a seat." Talk about what?" Rochelle asked." Keep talking about how you finally got rid of Kyla." I said. They all went silent." Speak then cause y'all were doing a lot of that before. So continue I want to know more." I said getting up to get a bottle of water." Since y'all don't want to talk I'll make you talk." I said laughing." And how are you gonna do that?" Mia asked whilst rolling her eyes." I don't talk to fake hoes , so don't speak. For you Mia it's easy , I'll tell Jayden what you've been up to. For you Tamia its also easy , I'll tell your boyfriend that you've been cheating on him and telling your friends that his music is trash. Tatiana you're sorted you're leaving and trust me nun of these girls are gonna let you stay with them. And for you Rochelle I'll tell the cops that you stole that man's car , the red BMW. All their faces changed quickly." So start speaking." I said laughing.

Offers Kyla a job and is really nice to her even though she doesn't know what Kyla is going through.

MEET THE CHARACTER:Winnie Offers Kyla a job and is really nice to her even though she doesn't know what Kyla is going through

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Heyy guysss , I promised y'all a longer chapter and I think delivered. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter.
~ Naomi🤪

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