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I just dropped Ky at her parents house and I'm now heading over to the trap to get this paper. A thought crossed my mind like what if I do really die. How would my parents feel and especially how would Ky feel." Wassup nigga." Jayden said." Nothing much wasspoppin wit you though?" I asked." You know, nothing much just thinking about some important stuff." He said." Oh yea like what." I replied." The future like how we're going to be. Like what if we aren't the magic 4 anymore, ya feel me." He answered." I get you bro let's not worry about that right now but worry about our money." I said laughing. We did what we always did which was making money. I looked at my phone to see the time and it read 20:30pm and I still needed to pick Kyla up. I said bye to everyone and left to get Kyla.
"Hey Tae." Ky said kissing my cheek." Hey baby you igh." I said." I'm straight bro." She said laughing." I ain't your bro I'm yo boyfriend infact im yo husband PERIODTTTT or whatever you girls say." I said. Ky just looked at me and began laughing." Whatever." I said putting on some music." Can I choose something Tae you always choose." She said." Igh." I said handing her my phone." C'mon baby sing it wit me. Real ass bitch give a fuck bout a niggaaa." She sung. I looked and laughed, like why do she think she can sing. I was driving while she continued to sing. I saw a black car pull over then someone came out. And it's night keep that in mind. " Dontae c'mon let's fight you dumb ass bitch." He said. Who the fuck was this nigga talking to." I'm gon be back baby." I said kissing her." Whatever happens I love you and don't leave the car." I said." I love you too Tae but do you have to fight Tae." She said. I just kissed her forehead. I came outside and the nigga was hella jumpy like he was higher than a kite." Wassup punk ass nigga." I said. Before he could speak I punched the fuck outta him. Before I knew it he pulled out a gun and shot me.
I heard a gun shot and a car leave. I left even though he said I shouldn't. I got out to see Tae on the floor like my Dontae on the floor. I called the police and they came 10 minutes later." There's a safe and it has money in it for you the pin is 2580. Ky don't give it to nobody not even a penny." He said lowly." I'm sorry baby I should of listened to you I'm sorry for all the trouble you've been involved into because of me I hope you can forgive me." He said." Of course I can Tae." I replied. I stayed with him and until they pronounce him dead.
I didn't go to school I just couldn't, like how was I gonna face everyone. His funeral is coming up tomorrow I don't even know if I want to go." Babygirl you in here?" My dad asked." Yea." I answered. "Are you going to Dontae's funeral tomorrow?" He asked." I dunno daddy I don't think I can, I won't be able to handle the emotions. I haven't seen any of my friends, which are his friends since his death." I said crying." Let me tell you something it doesn't matter about what everybody says. It's about you remembering him." My dad said rubbing my back." Can you and mom come with me then?" I asked." Sure." He said smiling before he left. I picked out my outfit and went to bed. The next day I attend the funeral. When I entered everyone looked at me. I heard people talking about me but then I remembered what my dad said. I took a seat next to Dontae's dad." You alright Ky?" He asked." I'm alright how are you coping you know since you guys have just gotten on good terms recently?" I asked." I'm taking it gradually. So is his mom I was going to tell him we are talking now. That basically means that she doesn't hate me. I also killed her temporary boyfriend." He said smiling." Father like son." I whispered to myself. It was time for people to say the good things and memories about the person. I didn't want to go but I just did because if I didn't overtime I will regret that. I walked up to the stage and took the microphone." Umm...good afternoon to you all...my name is Kyla and I'm Dontae's girlfriend. Umm...I don't really know what to say other than he was an amazing person he was stubborn but he was hard working, loving, caring and so much more. But sometimes he was straight up annoying. " I said while some people laughed after I said that."On the day of his death about thirty minutes before it, we was in the car and we was listening to some music...and we was being goofy together and having fun." I said smiling broadly." I didn't know that was the last time we'd would have a moment like that again." I said while tears slipped down my face." Dontae wasn't the friendliest at first but he was the realist and I really appreciate that...my prayers for the Brown family. I'm sorry for your loss." I said before putting the mic down. The funeral came to a close and I went to find my mom and dad so we can go but then some people came up to me like they wanna fight." It's all your fault he is dead." One says whilst the others looked at me. I told my parents then we left.
I went to his grave because I felt lonely almost like a part of me was dead." I'm sorry Tae. I should of convinced you not to go." I said crying." It's all my fault. I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me." I said cleaning my eyes. I've being going to his grave everyday for the last two weeks. I went today to put some flowers because the other ones were getting old." I'm sorry Tae." I said. I go and put them down. I made my way home and slept in like always." You alright darling?" My mum asked." Yea I'm fine." I replied." You want something to eat?" She then asked." I'm not hungry." I answered." Ky before you were eating 25/8 now you barely eat a whole cookie. Me and your dad have become worried. Ky you're losing weight your losing that ass." My mum said. I looked at her then laughed." So my ass really fat ain't it." I said laughing." Like mama like daughter." She said smiling." I'm either gon order you something or I make you something." My mum added." You can make me something." I replied." What you want?" She asked." Surprise me." I said laughing.
My mum came in with wings and chips." Aww thanks mum." I said whilst hugging her." Your welcome baby." She said before my dad came in." So who's gon give me some." My dad said making his way to my plate." You can have one." I said laughing." Ok thanks babygirl." He said taking two and running away laughing." So annoying." My mum said whilst shaking her head. I ate then watched some spongebob squarepants before falling asleep.

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~ Naomi🤪!

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