Chapter 1 // Wish

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It's a normal Friday evening, the boys and Kara since Alex or Lena couldn't come. Lena was doing something so she probably was trying to miss tonight and Alex, she doesn't know what Alex is doing. But Kara, James and Winn are together in a booth at some sort of diner. James didn't eat yet and Kara loves food so that idea was settled quickly, before they would go to karaoke night they would go to some small diner. 

The food is a little greasy but Kara doesn't care. She slowly eats while listening to James rant about Lena. She absolutely hates it, with every word she gets madder. But it is like he completely misses it. He just keeps going on about Lena. Their relationship may be new but it is obviously one sided. "-She just ignored me. Like I wasn't there. And she has to be an bitch every time at work. Like why would she even make out with me anymore since she ca-"

Kara has enough, she just can't take it anymore. She had to hear him rant about Lena for exactly seventeen minutes, forty-six seconds and a couple of milliseconds. So she interrupts his rant with "James! That's enough!" She lowers her voice a bit so it sounds more intimidating "You just can't appreciate Lena, can you? No of course not, she did this, she didn't listen, she doesn't kiss right. You know what? I just wish that Lena has all she ever wants, with somebody who she loves and loves her back. And that's obviously not you."

And with that she makes her way out. A woman a couple booths behind theirs said something like "Wish granted" but she doesn't think much about it. She just goes outside and changes clothes to fly. She just flies around, not caring where she is going. Suddenly she stops in front of that big building L-Corp. She sees the lights on at Lena's office so she decides that they both probably can use a friend. 

Well, Kara can use one. She doesn't know it for sure about Lena yet. But she quickly makes her way inside the building, without much problems she goes to the right level. She politely knocks on the door which probably startles Lena since her heartbeat spikes up. She hears a strong "Come in!" So she walks in. Lena's face lights up and she quickly walks to Kara. Enveloping Kara in a hug. 

Kara hesitantly returns the hug which doesn't go unnoticed by Lena. So Lena moves a little and looks at Kara "Are you okay?" Kara wasn't ready for that question yet. She doesn't really think when she shakes her head 'no'. Lena quickly lets go and invites Kara to the couch. Kara sits down and then Lena asks "What's wrong?"

Kara mumbles "I got into an argument." But Lena doesn't hear it so when she repeats it she speaks louder "I got into an argument with James. I kinda stormed off." 

Lena just nods and takes Kara's hands in hers. "About what did you have an argument." Kara shakes her head, she can't tell her that. That would ruin their relationship, and this... she couldn't do this. She couldn't ruin their relationship, as much as she hates it she can't.

Lena gently squeezes her hands and asks again "About what was the argument?" Kara shakes her head again, she just can't do it. But Lena speaks up again "You are clearly distraught. Otherwise you wouldn't have come here, so please let me help." 

Lena is kinda right so she mumbles "You." Lena asks her to say it again so she speaks with more confidence "You." 

Lena slowly nods "And why me?"

Kara can't turn back anymore. Now she has to say it all. Hopefully she is nice enough for James "He said disrespectful things. I- He needed to stop so I said that he didn't deserve you and left."

Lena pulls her into a hug again and Kara slowly sniffs. Apparently she is truly distraught. Slowly but surely tears start to fall down, making Lena's shoulder wet. But it's like Lena doesn't care. She just rubs Kara's back and whispers nice things like 'What you did was right' or 'He is an asshole.'

It takes a couple of minutes for Kara to calm down but when she does she just thanks Lena and sits down on the couch. Suddenly Lena comments "Let's get you home." Kara nods, that probably means that Lena is also going home so good news. 

Lena calls her drivers and together they make their way downstairs. Lena's driver stands outside holding the door open. So they both slide in. And it doesn't take long for the car to drive. The talk a bit of small talk about Catco, since Lena bought it.

When they finally arrive at Kara's apartment Kara yawns. They say goodbye and with that Kara goes home and immediately to bed. It doesn't take too long for her to fall asleep. Even though she is still a bit distraught. She just doesn't get why James needed to do this. With that awful kinda question she falls asleep.

The next morning she wakes up. A presence next to her mumbles something like five more minutes and nuzzles more into Kara. This makes Kara's brain go into hyper drive. She quickly opens her eyes and is greeted by a person. Black hair... Lena? She quickly moves herself from away Lena which earns a whine from the other woman. She stands up and looks around in the room. Where is she? The door suddenly opens and a little boy comes running in. He runs towards Kara and hugs her legs while he yells "Mommy!" Kara is quite confused but moves down to pick him up. When he is safely in her arms he kisses her cheek which makes Kara chuckle, whoever this boy is. He is polite and nice. She looks at Lena who now is awake and looking at them with these emerald coloured eyes. A smile plastered on her face...

What is happening?

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