Chapter 3 // Not The Same

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Lena suddenly asks "Kara, why are you turned around? We have been married for years, so why this?"

Kara slowly turns around looking at Lena who is only in her underwear and nervously stammers out "I- I don't know." She still stands in the doorpost so she quickly walks in.

"I already got clothes for you." Lena says with a raised eyebrow. She points at a stack of clothes. Lena is probably confused about why Kara is acting like this.

Kara mutters out a "Thanks" and quickly changes, not looking at Lena once. 

Lena suddenly has her arms around Kara when Kara is done. Kara looks at the ground so her chin slowly gets lifted "Darling, did you have a nightmare?" Lena asks sincere.

Kara just nods and keeps looking a bit down. Her eyes don't meet Lena's. So Lena asks "How bad was it?"

Kara sighs and looks up. She blinks and comments "Terrible."

Lena just cubs her chin and places a chaste kiss on her lips. "I am sorry that you had a nightmare. Next time warn me, even when I sleep. I will always be there for you."

An other nod from Kara she mutters "Thanks" again. 

Lena is just so nice... and her wife. But what is going on with the world... L-Corp? Apparently she has a son and so does Kal but where are Alex, James or Winn? What happened to them with this... new life?

Lena suddenly grabs her phone and dials a number. She lets go of Kara and walks out of the room. Kara just sits down on the couch in the room. Thinking about what is happening. She knows one thing that is sure that she isn't supposed to be here. Where ever here is. 

Lena suddenly enters the room again and sits next to Kara "Lex and Lori will pick Liam up later. So we can be together today. I already texted Lillian, Alex and Eliza saying tonight won't happen."

Kara nods, she isn't ready for it yet. But it's good to hear Alex' and Eliza's name from Lena's mouth. That means they are alive and well. But Lillian and Lex, that's something else. And who the hell is Lori? 

Lena places a hand on Kara's knee and gently squeezes it "I am sorry that you have to have a day like this. But all will be good. We don't need to work today and tomorrow is our free day. So just relax with me. We will do anything you want. Even eat ice cream." Kara's face lights by the mention of food. 

Lena just chuckles and pats Kara leg before standing up and holding an arm out for Kara to get up. Kara accepts Lena's hand and places a kiss on Lena's cheek when she was finally up. If she is stuck here she is going to play the part too. Lena chuckles and drags Kara along to downstairs. Where Lex and Lori, a woman around her 30's, brown hair, blue eyes, stand waiting for them. 

They both quickly come to give Lena and Kara hugs and with that Liam comes running down the stairs, Lena sternly says "Liam, no running!" But the boy doesn't slow down one bit. He almost crashes against Lex' legs when Lex suddenly has him up in his arms smiling brightly. The little boy squeals happily and hugs his uncle tight. And with that the trio is off. Going god knows where.

Lena gently grabs her hand again, they parted when Lex and Lori came to hug them, and tugs her into her arms. Kara chuckles when Lena kisses her fiercely. She was expecting something like this. So none of it took her by surprise, which is a lie. The passion in the kiss took her by surprise. She kisses as fiercely back. Play the part, that's all that goes through Kara's mind while she kisses with Lena. And when they part Lena is out of breath, Kara is too but a bit less. She still has abs so she probably plays some sports.

Lena walks away swaying her hips, Kara knows what Lena is teasing her. Making her want more, but she still can resist it. She freezes on the spot, looking at Lena. At how she walks. She chuckles when Lena is at the freezer getting ice cream out of it. She quickly jogs to there to help her loved one. Well, loved one... more like fake loved one? That sounds strange... but is it the truth. Yes it is. 

Kara quickly grabs the ice cream from Lena's hands who just chuckles and goes to grab spoons. Together they walk to the living room. They sit next to each other on the couch and Lena turns the television on. Together they watch hours of movies and series. All with eating ice cream. Later they eat lunch, some sort of salad... the awful human life. But she needs to stay healthy, because the ice cream was also vegan... Lena truly wants to keep her alive, she doesn't really care. If this is the way they live, this Kara lives, than she has to learn to live with it. 

A couple hours later, some time after lunch Lena falls asleep. For the first time Kara can truly look at Lena, and at how relaxed she looks without make-up and all. This Lena might be married to Kara but her life looks way better than when she was together with James and that is what she wants, right? To give Lena that happiness.

Maybe her life is a mess right now since she doesn't know what is happening but Lena is happy and that is all that matters. She gave the person who might matter most in her life something, she doesn't know how or why but she did. Maybe she is still mad at James but he might be different here. Because Lex isn't bad so that changes things, right? Kara just smiles at Lena, the girl who apparently loves her this much. Wanting a family with her.

A/N Comments and reviews are welcome, they make the story better.

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